MicroStrategy ONE

Format: Graph Dialog Box: Options Tab

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Format a Gauge graph using the Options tab in the Format: Graph dialog box. This tab is displayed only if you are formatting a Gauge graph. The following formatting options are available:

Gauge Settings: Select formatting options such as the display style of the needle on the Gauge graph and the thickness of the border to display around the gauge.

  • Gauge Style: Determine whether the Gauge graph is presented in the Old (pre-8.1) graph style or the New graph style. The New graph style has more vibrant colors and effects.
  • Needle Style: Determine the style of the needle in the gauge. This option is available if the Gauge Style option is set to New.
  • Border Style: Determine the style of the border around the gauge. This option is available if the Gauge Style option is set to New.
  • Border Thickness: Determine the thickness of the border around the gauge. This option is available if the Gauge Style option is set to New.
  • Range Thickness: If you selected the Old style gauge graph, use this to set the size of the gauge's border. For this property to be applied to New style gauge graphs, a graph designer must enable Quality Bands for the gauge in the Gauge Graph Options dialog box in MicroStrategy Developer. For steps, refer to the MicroStrategy Developer help. A Web user can then use the Range Thickness slider to adjust the size of the quality bands.
  • Start Angle: Determine the location on the gauge where the range labels begin.
  • Stop Angle: Determine the location on the gauge where the range labels end.

    The Start Angle and Stop Angle properties determine how much of the gauge dial is displayed.

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