MicroStrategy ONE

Format: Graph Dialog Box: Number Tab

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You can select formatting options for numeric values in a graph report or a graph in a document using the Number tab in the Format: Graph dialog box. The following options are available:

  • Target: Specify the data values you want to format, such as data values displayed on the Y-axis.

    The options available may vary depending on the graph style applied to the graph.

    • All Data Values: Select this option to display and format data values for all metrics represented in the graph.
    • Data Values for a specific metric: You can format the data values for a specific metric. To do so, select the Data Values for Metric option in which Metric is replaced by the metric whose values you want to format. For example, to format the data values for the Profit Margin metric, select the Data Values for Profit Margin option.
    • All Axes: Select this option to format data values displayed in any of the axes in the graph.
    • Y Axis Values: Select this option to format data values displayed on the Y-axis in the graph.
    • Y1 Axis Values: Select this option to format data values displayed on the Y1-axis in the graph.
    • Y2 Axis Values: Select this option to format data values displayed on the Y2-axis in the graph.
  • Number: Select formatting options to apply to the numeric values you selected above.

    • Category: Select a format to apply to the values, such as Percentage or Currency.

      • Default: Allow MicroStrategy to determine how to display the data values.
      • General: Display numbers without any punctuation or other formatting symbols or syntax.
      • Fixed: Select Fixed to determine the number of decimal places to be displayed, whether you want numbers to be separated every three decimal places, and whether negative numbers are allowed.

        • Decimal places: Specify the number of decimal places to display.
        • Negative numbers: Specify the format in which to display negative numbers.
        • Use 1000 separator: Determine whether to display numbers with a separator symbol every three digits (for example 1,000,000).
      • Currency: Display numbers formatted as currency.

        • Decimal places: Specify the number of decimal places to display.
        • Currency symbol: Specify the currency symbol used to display the number.
        • Currency position: Determine the position in which the currency symbol is displayed.
        • Negative numbers: Specify the format in which to display negative numbers.
      • Date: Display numbers in date format.

        Type: Select the date format you want to use to display data, such as 4/12/07, April 12, 2007, 4/12/2007, and so on.

      • Time: Display numbers in time format.

        Type: Select the time format you want to use to display data, such as 9:00, 9:00 AM, and so on.

      • Percentage: Display numbers as percentages.

        • Decimal places: Specify the number of decimal places to display.
        • Negative numbers: Specify the format in which to display negative numbers.
      • Fraction: Display numbers as fractions.

        Type: Select the format in which to display fractions.

      • Scientific: Display numbers in scientific format.

        Decimal places: Specify the number of decimal places to display.

      • From Grid: Display numbers using the number formatting options inherited from the grid or grid report.

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