MicroStrategy ONE

Resize Columns and Rows Dialog

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You can resize the rows and columns in a grid report using the Resize Columns and Rows dialog box. The following options are available:

  • Columns: Determine how to size columns in the grid report. The options are:
    • Auto Fit to Window: The grid report's columns stretch to fit the size of the browser window.
    • Auto Fit to Contents: The width of the report's columns is sized to fit the data in the column. All extra space in the grid is removed.
    • Fixed: The width of the report's columns is set to a fixed value in inches. To set all the columns in the report to a specific width, select All Columns from the drop-down list. To set the width of an individual column, select the name of the column from the drop-down list.

      Width: Type the width of the column in inches.

  • Rows: Determine how to size rows in the grid report. The options are:
    • Auto Fit to Contents: The height of the report's rows is sized to fit the data in the row. All extra space in the grid is removed.
    • Fixed Height: Each row is displayed using a fixed height, specified in inches. Type the height to use to display the rows in the field.