MicroStrategy ONE

Report Editor

The Report Editor allows you to create, customize, and save reports to be used across the MicroStrategy platform. The Report Editor opens when you open a report in Design Mode.

To use the Report Editor correctly, you need to know about the following parts of its interface. Click each link for more information.

  • Report layout: The report layout is in the center of the Report Editor interface and provides the framework for controlling where report objects (such as attributes, metrics, custom groups, and consolidations) are displayed when the report is run, printed, exported, emailed, and so on.
  • Report Objects: The Report Objects panel displays all of the objects that are part of the report, such as attributes, metrics, custom groups, and consolidations. You can drag and drop these objects to and from the report layout, displayed on the right, to add or remove data from display on the report.
  • All Objects: The All Objects panel provides a place to search for, locate, and select objects that are part of the project. This panel is a primary tool when creating or modifying reports or independent report objects. You can drag and drop these objects to and from the report layout, displayed on the right, to add or remove data from display on the report.
  • MDX Objects: You can add metrics from an MDX Cube to a report using the MDX Objects panel. The MDX Objects panel displays a list of all the MDX cube sources to which you have access to. Drag metrics from the MDX Objects panel to the report to add it to the report display.
  • Notes: You can display the notes or comments that have been added to the report, or add your own note using the Notes panel on the left side of the Report Editor interface.
  • Related Reports: You can view links to reports and documents that are stored in the same folder as the report that you are currently viewing in the Related Reports panel, located on the left side of the Report Editor interface.

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Creating a report