MicroStrategy ONE

Format: Template Dialog Box

You can format several aspects of a grid report using the Format: Template dialog box:

  • Font and color of different components on the report, such as column and row headers, and number values.
  • Shading effects such as gradients.
  • Number formats for specific values in the report, such as percentages or dollar signs.
  • Alignment of text within cells.
  • Lines, such as cell borders and report borders.

If DHTML is disabled, you use the Format panel.

To access the Format: Template dialog box

  1. Open a report, and from the Home menu, select Grid view or Grid and Graph view.
  2. From the Format menu, select Advanced Formatting. The Format: Template dialog box opens.

    If DHTML is disabled, click Go. The Format panel opens.

Related Topics

Format: Template Dialog Box: Font Tab

Format: Template Dialog Box: Number Tab

Format: Template Dialog Box: Alignment Tab

Format: Template Dialog Box: Color and Lines Tab