MicroStrategy ONE

Format: Values Dialog Box

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You can specify a number format for a value in a prompt displayed on a mobile device using the options in the Format: Values dialog box. Select one of the options to display a preview of the number with formatting applied and additional formatting options. For example, you can choose to display numbers as currency, and determine the number of decimal places displayed for each value.

The following options are available:

  • Category:

    • None: Display numbers without any special formatting.
    • Fixed: Display numbers as Fixed to determine the number of decimal places to be displayed, whether you want numbers to be separated every three decimal places, and whether negative numbers are allowed.

    Decimal places: Specify the number of decimal places to display.

    Negative numbers: Specify the format in which to display negative numbers.

    Use 1000 separator: Determine whether the number is displayed with a separator symbol every three decimal places.

    • Currency: Display numbers formatted as currency.

      • Decimal places: Specify the number of decimal places to display.
      • Currency symbol: Specify the currency symbol used to display the number.
      • Currency position: Determine the position in which the currency symbol is displayed.
      • Negative numbers: Specify the format in which to display negative numbers.
    • Percentage: Display numbers as percentages.

      • Decimal places: Specify the number of decimal places to display.
      • Negative numbers: Specify the format in which to display negative numbers.
    • Fraction: Display numbers as fractions.

      Type: Select the format in which to display fractions.

    • Scientific: Display numbers in scientific format.

      Decimal places: Specify the number of decimal places to display.

    • Custom: Define your own custom number format if none of the existing formats meet your needs. In the Type field, type a number with formatting symbols, such as 123,456.789.

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