MicroStrategy ONE

Application-wide CSS files

Application-wide CSS files provide rules that should be applied across most or all MicroStrategy Web 8.x pages. The need for application-wide CSS files arises for several reasons.

  • Certain CSS rules are intended to be applied to every MicroStrategy Web page. Placing these rules in application-wide CSS files eliminates the need to repeat this code for every page. 

  • Certain page sections are used repeatedly across a variety of page types, which means that the underlying HTML is shared across several MicroStrategy Web pages. The CSS rules for formatting these repeated HTML sections are also defined in application-wide CSS files. For example, almost every page has a red shortcuts bar across the top of the page, showing Shared Reports, My Reports, and so on. The formatting for this Shortcuts bar is defined in the application-wide CSS files, mstrTheme.css. This CSS file is also responsible for rendering the same shortcuts bar when the color theme is changed to a different color from red.

The table below lists the application-wide CSS files in the /style/mstr/ subfolder:

File Contents


Formatting for different MicroStrategy Web color themes. Responsible for font properties, shortcuts bar, navigational path, toolbars, menus, accordions, etc.


Formatting for entire MicroStrategy Web.

Application-wide CSS changes performed using the Web Customization Editor are saved in a custom application-wide CSS file called global.css. The tag for this CSS files is generated by mstrWeb.jsp as <web:resource type="custom-style" /> and by Main.aspx as <web:resource runat="server" type="custom-style" />.

See also: