DisplayUnitsVisitor |
Interface for browsing collections of display units
EditableObject |
This interface represents an editable Web Object.
EnumBrowserType |
Enumeration of supported browser types
We use integer number to represents the browser type.
EnumDerivedElementType |
EnumDESourceMode |
EnumFeatureIDs |
EnumFeatureNames |
EnumGridFormatGenericValues |
This Enumeration is used to specify some general grid format properties.
EnumGridFormatNumberCategory |
Enumeration for specifying the different categories that can be selected
when formatting grid numbers.
EnumGridFormatUnit |
Enumeration of grid format units.
EnumGridHorizontalAlignmentType |
Enumeration for specifying the horizontal font alignment properties.
EnumGridNegativeNumbersFormat |
Enumeration for specifying how the negative numbers in the grid should be
EnumGridNumberCurrencyPosition |
This interface contains enumeration constants which describe possible locations for the currency
symbol in a currency format string.
EnumGridTextDirectionType |
EnumGridVerticalAlignmentType |
Enumeration for specifying the vertical font alignment properties.
EnumIFMode |
EnumLinkAnswerMode |
EnumManipulationBuilderConstants |
EnumMetricConditionalityType |
This enumeration is for the qualifications in Metric Slider Selector and Metric Qualification Selector.
EnumPromptPropertyNamesAndValues |
EnumRWHTMLFieldType |
EnumSubtotalInstanceType |
This enumeration specifies the different types of subtotal instances that can be defined.
EnumTerseElementType |
This interface defines the enumeration constants of terse ID type
EnumThresholdTypes |
EnumVariantTypes |
Enumeration for the variant types.
EnumWebAttributeFormNamesDisplay |
EnumWebCustomGroupDisplayOptions |
This enumeration is used for the different display options that can be set on a custom
group element
EnumWebCustomGroupReportFilterInteraction |
This enumeration is used for the different options that can be set on a custom
group for the Report Filter Interaction.
EnumWebDependentObjectType |
This Enumeration lists the object type for a display unit
which is not a first class object
EnumWebDimensionDisplayStyle |
This Enumeration specifies the style which should be used for a dimension
object's display XML.
EnumWebDisplayedForms |
Possible values for displayed attribute forms
EnumWebDocumentViewMode |
This Enumeration lists the possible view modes for a document.
EnumWebDrillProperties |
To change the template for this generated type comment go to
Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments
EnumWebElementSourceType |
This Enumeration specifies the different types of WebElementSource objects that
exist in the Web Objects.
EnumWebFolderDisplayStyle |
This Enumeration specifies the style which should be used for a folder
object's display XML.
EnumWebFormatType |
Enumeration which can be used to specify the different types of formats.
EnumWebFunctionType |
This Enumeration lists the different types of functions which are available for an
operator node of an expression.
EnumWebGraphLabelType |
EnumWebHeaderType |
This Enumeration reflects the specialization (if any)
of a class that implements the WebHeader
EnumWebImageURLType |
EnumWebLimitSummaryFlags |
This enumeration is the different types of limit summary information that
can be returned from the WebWorkingSet .getLimitSummary method.
EnumWebMessageSortByField |
This Enumeration is used to specify the criterion for sorting WebMessages
EnumWebMRPFunction |
This Enumeration contains constants which are used in Metric, Rank, and Percent-related functionality.
EnumWebObjectsFeatures |
This interface defines constants that can be used to check whether the features
(that these constants identify) are available for the current session.
EnumWebObjectSort |
This Enumeration specifies different options for sorting a WebFolder .
EnumWebODBCVersion |
This enumeration specifies the version of the ODBC commands to be used in making
the WH connection
EnumWebPreferences |
This is the enumeration of all the preferences that the mstrWeb servlet expect to
EnumWebPromptType |
This Enumeration lists the WebPrompt types.
EnumWebReportExecutionModes |
This interface lists constants that should be used to define how
a report instance should be executed
EnumWebReportExportModes |
EnumWebReportSourceType |
EnumWebReportViewMode |
This Enumeration lists the possible view modes for a report.
EnumWebRowValueType |
This Enumeration contains the type for a row value on a report.
EnumWebScheduleSort |
This Enumeration specifies different fields for sorting WebSchedules .
EnumWebSessionType |
This Enumeration specifies the different session types.
EnumWebStatementType |
This Enumeration is used to specify the type of a WebStatement .
EnumWebSubscriptionContentCompressionStatus |
EnumWebSubscriptionContentFormatModes |
This interface specifies constants that define how much of the Report services
document, which has group by units, should be delivered.
EnumWebSubscriptionContentFormatTypes |
EnumWebSubscriptionContentMode |
This enumeration indicates the subscription mode in library.
EnumWebSubscriptionContentTypes |
This Enumeration specifies the content type for a subscription.
EnumWebSubscriptionDeliveryMode |
EnumWebSubscriptionDeviceSubtype |
EnumWebSubscriptionEditModes |
EnumWebSubscriptionObjectTypes |
Enumeration of the all the types of objects that are used in
providing subscription functionality.
EnumWebToggleFunction |
This Enumeration specifies the different functions to which the current function between two nodes can be toggled to
using toggleFunction in WebExpressionHelper.
EnumWebWorkingSetSortByField |
This Enumeration specifies the sort by field when sorting the working set objects.
EnumXmlPriorityType |
Enumeration used in WebDBRole to set and retrieve
the prioriy connection count
EnumXmlStatePhase |
FeatureInfo |
FeatureInfos |
FilterDetailsFormatting |
This interface governs filter detail formatting properties.
PrivilegeCategoryLoader |
This interface is used to get the relationship of privilege and its category.
ProjectIndexMetadata |
This interface defines class ProjectIndexMetadata, this class is used in the search index.
RWDataSetInfo |
RWDataSettings |
RWDocumentView |
RWDocumentViews |
This is a wrapper for RW document views and its current document view index.
RWDrill2ReportSettings |
Settings used when drilling from a grid in a document to a new report.
RWIterateSettings |
RWOfflineTransaction |
RWSettings |
RWUnitInfo |
This class represents the document unit (attribute and metric) properties.
RWWorkingSetUnit |
Scrollable |
Generic interface representing scrollable collection.
SearchEngineProperties |
This interface defines class SearchEngineProperties, which is used in the search index to describe the search engine.
10/18/2013 @author swang
SimpleList |
The SimpleList interface is returned from several of the objects in the Web Objects layer.
TransactionAttribute |
TransactionAttributeForm |
TransactionElement |
TransactionMetric |
UsherSessionHelper |
Usher related information can be obtained from the Intelligence Server configured in the
underlying WebIServerSession .
WebAccessControlEntry |
The WebAccessControlEntry interface represents a single access control entry within a
WebAccessControlList collection.
WebAccessControlList |
The WebAccessControlList interface represents an access control list of an object.
WebAnnotatable |
This interface represents any first class object in the metadata that can contain an annotation or some
WebAssociatedSchedules |
WebAssociatedScheduleSource |
WebAttribute |
The WebAttribute interface represents an attribute, which is a first class object.
WebAttributeForm |
This interface represents an attribute form, which is a first class object.
WebAttributeForms |
The WebAttributeForms interface represents a collection of attribute forms.
WebAttributeHeader |
The WebAttributeHeader extends the WebHeader to
provide addtional information for retrieving
the WebAttributeForm .
WebAxis |
The WebAxis interface represents the current state of a single axis on a template.
WebAxisSubtotalInstance |
Subtotal instance that defines an axis subtotal.
WebBigDecimalNode |
The WebTimeNode interface represents a time node within an expression.
WebBlob |
The WebBlob interface represents a blob object.
WebBrowseHierarchyItem |
This class reflects each of the attribute instances in a hierarchy
that is selected in the context of a browsing.
WebBrowsePath |
WebBrowsePath.WebBrowsePathObserver |
WebCacheStatement |
WebCertifiedInfo |
Represents certified information of an object
WebCertifiedInfo.WebCertifierInfo |
WebChangeJournalEntries |
This interface holds a collection of change journal entry.
WebChangeJournalEntry |
This interface defines the change journal entry to provide the API for cloudOM.
WebChangeJournalLinkitemEntries |
WebChangeJournalLinkitemEntry |
WebChangeJournalObjectEntries |
WebChangeJournalObjectEntry |
WebChangeJournalSearch |
The WebChangeJournalSearch class represents a change journal search object
It allows the user specify the restrictions of the search, including users, machines and so on.
WebChannel |
The WebChannel interface represents a communciation channel defined in a WebServerDef object.
WebChannels |
The WebChannels interface represents a collection of channels which are defined on a
WebServerDef object.
WebCluster |
WebClusterAdmin |
WebClusterAdmin is an interface from which a user can connect to or disconnect from
an Intelligence Server Cluster, monitor the Intelligence Server Clusters the API is currently
connecting to, monitor the connection pool used to connect the API and the Intelligence Servers
and set the connection pool size to tune the performance.
WebClusterInfo |
This interface represents the information for a single i-Server cluster
WebClusterInfos |
This interface represents the information for a collection of i-Server clusters
You can use this for retrieving the project information per cluster node by iterating through the clusters
WebClusterMember |
The WebClusterMember interface provides a standard representation for
nodes within a cluster.
WebClusterMembership |
WebClusterNode |
This interface contains a set of properties of a cluster node (an Intelligence Server).
WebClusterNodeInfo |
This interface represents the information for a single node within a cluster.
WebClusterProjectInfo |
This interface extends the basic behavior of a project representation
by adding clustering information
WebClusterProjectInfoCollection |
WebClusters |
WebClusterSource |
WebColumn |
WebColumns |
WebCommandManagerScript |
The WebCommandManagerScript interface represents a command manager script object, which is a first-class object.
WebConnectionMap |
WebConnectionMapSource |
WebConstantNode |
The WebConstantNode interface represents a constant node within an expression.
WebConstantPrompt |
This interface represents constant prompt.
WebConstantPromptAnswer |
WebContactSearchFilter |
WebContactSearchOrderInfo |
WebContactsSource |
The WebContactsSource is used for browsing of contact objects in the MD.
WebContentStatement |
WebControlShortcutNode |
The WebControlShortcutNode interface represents a control shortcut node within an expression.
WebCssFormatContainer |
This interface represents grid object that contain associated CSS format.
WebCSSHelper |
This interface is a helper interface which manages the generation of CSS from formatting
WebCustomGroup |
The WebCustomGroup interface represents a custom group object.
WebDatamart |
WebDatamartTable |
WebDataType |
This interface represents a MicroStrategy internal data type.
WebDBConnection |
Object extending from WebObjectInfo to represent the first-class
DB connection objects
WebDBLogin |
The WebDBLogin interface represents an instance of a first-class
DBLogin object.This interface exposes methods which allow access to
modification of the login and password of a DBLogin object
The WebDBMS is an interface representing the DBMS first class object
within the metadata.
WebDBRole |
The WebDBRole interface represents a DB Role object in metadata.
WebDefaultDisplaySettings |
This interface is used to set the settings for default highlighting and default selection
within the display XML.
WebDefaultSort |
This interface represents a sort of type(from EnumDSSXMLSortType ): DssXmlSortAttributeDefault,
DssXmlSortGroupBySubtotal, DssXmlSortDimensionDefault, DssXmlSortConsolidationDefault, or
WebDerivedElement |
This interface represents a Derived Element object.
WebDerivedElements |
This interface represents a collection of Derived Elements
WebDerivedElementsContainer |
WebDetailsFormatter |
WebDevice |
WebDimension |
This interface represents a dimension, which is a first class object.
WebDimensionAttribute |
The WebDimensionAttribute interface represents an attribute within a dimension.
WebDimensionHeader |
The WebDimensionHeader extends the WebHeader interface
to provide access to additional information in
dimension groupings.
WebDimensionLockProperties |
This interface represents the set of dimension attribute objects from
the System Dimension that have lock properties set on them.
WebDimty |
The WebDimty object represents a dimensionality object.
WebDimtyPrompt |
This interface represents Dimensionality prompt, whose answer is of type WebDimty .
WebDimtyPromptAnswer |
The WebDimtyPromptAnswer interface represents a user answer to
WebDimtyPrompt .
WebDimtyUnit |
This interface represents a dimensionality unit.
WebDirectedAttribute |
WebDirectedAttributes |
WebDisplayHelper |
The WebDisplayHelper interface is used to generate display XML containing both the contents
of an object (such as the current state of a filter or a prompt) and a list of available objects which
the user can choose from to add to the object.
WebDisplayUnit |
The WebDisplayUnit interface represents an object which can have display XML generated
for it.
WebDisplayUnitEntry |
WebDisplayUnits |
The WebDisplayUnits interface represents a group of WebDisplayUnit objects.
WebDocReportInstances |
This interface is used to hold the collection of report instances corresponding to a document instance.
WebDocumentDefinition |
WebDocumentInstance |
The WebDocumentInstance interface represents an instance of a document.
WebDocumentMessage |
The WebDocumentMessage object is a WebMessage that corresponds to a document.
WebDocumentSource |
The WebDocumentSource interface allows the user to execute and retrieve document instances, along with
giving access to many objects which have a supplemental usage in document execution.
WebDocumentStatement |
This interface defines a document statement which is used to identify a server command within a schedule
that targets a Document.
WebDrillAction |
This interface is used to hold the drill actions for report drilling.
WebDrillActions |
The WebDrillActions interface represents a collection of drill actions.
WebDrillElements |
This interface can be used to construct a drill elements collection that can be set as a user filter while drilling.
WebDrillInstance |
This interface should be used to drill on a report.
WebDrillMap |
WebDrillPath |
The WebDrillPath interface holds a drill path.
WebDSN |
The WebDSN interface represents a Data Source Name configured on the I-Server machine.
WebElement |
The WebElement interface represents a single element.
WebElements |
The WebElements interface represents a collection of WebElement objects.
WebElementsObjectNode |
The WebElementsObjectNode interface represents an element list contained within an expression.
WebElementSource |
The WebElementSource interface is used for retrieving elements XML from the
Intelligence Server.
WebElementsPrompt |
This interface represents Elements prompt
WebElementsPromptAnswer |
WebEmailNotification |
WebEncryptionKeysSource |
Object used to perform encryption keys manipulations on the MetaData
WebExpression |
The WebExpression interface represents a filter expression, which is composed of one or more
WebNode objects.
WebExpressionHelper |
The WebExpressionHelper interface is a helper interface which is used to manipulate
the expression tree with multi-step, complex manipulations.
WebExpressionPrompt |
Represents an expression prompt, whose answer is of type WebExpression .
WebExpressionPromptAnswer |
WebFailedServer |
The WebFailedServer interface represents a server that was unable to
process a cluster project manipulation
WebFeatures |
The WebFeatures interface can be used to determine whether a specific feature is
available to the user.
WebFence |
This interface represents a web fence for users, includes user fencing and workload fencing.
WebFenceClusterNode |
This interface define a web fence cluster node, since we only need the cluster node name and port,
so we don't reuse WebClusterNode .
WebFences |
This interface provides fence manipulations for example to allow caller to create, update, delete a fence.
WebFieldShortcutNode |
The WebFieldShortcutNode interface represents a field shortcut node within an expression.
WebFilter |
The WebFilter interface represents a filter object.
WebFilterBase |
WebFolder |
The WebFolder interface represents a folder object, either in metadata or a volatile one.
WebFormat |
The WebFormat interface represents a format object, which is a first class object.
WebFormatContainer |
WebFormatHost |
A helper interface
WebFormatIterator |
WebFormShortcutNode |
The WebFormShortcutNode interface represents an attribute form shortcut node within an expression.
WebFormSort |
This interface represents a sort of type(from EnumDSSXMLSortType ): DssXmlSortAttributeForm or
WebFormSortConfig |
This interface is intented to configure a sort operation on a grid.
WebFunction |
The WebFunction interface represents a system function object.
WebFunctionFolders |
WebFunctionParameter |
The interface of the parameter to a
WebFunctionProperty |
WebGraph |
This object allows a user to manipulate and load a graph data stream.
WebGraphArea |
WebGraphCoordinatesDrillAction |
WebGraphLabel |
The WebGraphLabel interface represents a label in a graph.
WebGraphLabels |
The WebGraphLabels provides an interface for a collection of WebGraphLabel
WebGraphProperties |
The WebGraphProperties interface represents a collection of WebGraphProperty
objects, each of which represent a graph format property.
WebGraphProperty |
The WebGraphProperty interface reprsents a graph format property.
WebGridData |
Represents grid data
WebGridHeaders |
This interface provides collection type methods to traverse and obtain
WebHeaders objects.
WebGridPageHeaders |
WebGridRows |
This interface provides collection type methods to traverse and obtain
WebRow objects in the report.
WebGridTitles |
This interface provides collection type methods to traverse and obtain
WebTitle objects in the report.
WebGridUnitShortcut |
The interface WebGridUnitShortcut represents a shortcut on grid unit.
WebGridUnitShortcutNode |
The WebGridUnitShortcutNode interface represents a grid unit shortcut node within an expression.
WebGridWidths |
This interface is for grid column width manipulations.
WebGroupBySubtotalInstance |
Subtotal instance that defines a 'Group by' subtotal.
WebGroupNode |
The WebGroupNode interface represents a reference node within an expression.
WebHeader |
The WebHeader describes the contents of its associated row, column
or page.
WebHeaders |
WebHeaders represent the group of headings that are laid
out in a single table row, as is the case when laying out
columns and row headers, which could span several table rows.
WebHyperLink |
The WebHyperLink interface represents the Hyperlink associated with grid report cell or RWD text field.
WebHyperLinkAnswer |
The WebHyperLinkAnswer interface represents a target prompt's answer
This interface is only applicable for executable Hyperlink.
WebHyperLinkAnswers |
WebHyperLinkContainer |
The WebHyperLinkContainer interface represents a container which holds Hyperlinks.
WebHyperLinks |
The WebHyperLinks interface represents the collection of WebHyperLink associated with grid report cell or RWD text field.
WebIAM |
WebInboxSource |
The WebInboxSource object exposes methods to manipulate the user inbox.
WebInterfaceLanguage |
Represents the interface language first-class object in the metadata
WebIServerSession |
The WebIServerSession represents a MicroStrategy Intelligence Server session.
WebIServerSessionList |
WebIServerSessionProxyFactory.Proxy |
WebIServerSubscriptionDevice |
WebIServerSubscriptionTrigger |
WebJobPrioritization |
WebJsonContextResultSettings |
WebLDAPSettings |
The WebLDAPSettings interface contains a set of settings related to the LDAP
configuration of a WebServerDef object.
WebLicenseDetails |
WebLimitExpressionHelper |
A subclass of the WebExpressionHelper that provides special functionality
for editing limit expressions.
WebLink |
This represents a link between two or more first class objects in the metadata.
WebLinkItem |
WebLinkItems |
Represents a collection of individual WebLinkItem objects.
WebLocaleObjectInfo |
Object representing the locale first-class object in the metadata
WebLocaleTranslation |
The WebLocaleTranslation interface represents a translation at a locale for one object.
WebLocaleTranslations |
The WebLocaleTranslations interface represents the translations at a locale for one object.
WebLocalizedConnectionMap |
WebMDUpdateSource |
Object used to perform update manipulations on the MetaData
WebMDXCatalog |
The WebMDXCatalog interface represents a catalog of a MDX source.
WebMDXCube |
The WebMDXCube interface represents a cube object.
WebMDXCubeSource |
The WebMDXCubeSource interface is the entry point interface to the cube and cube object browsing
WebMDXDisplayUnit |
The WebMDXDisplayUnit interface represents an MDX display unit - either an MDX source,
catalog, cube, dimension, hierarchy, attribute, or metric.
WebMDXSource |
The WebMDXSource interface represents a single source of MDX data.
WebMDXSources |
The WebMDXSources interface represents the list of MDX sources that are available
in the given Intelligence Server project.
WebMessage |
The WebMessage object exposes the attributes of an user inbox message.
WebMessages |
WebMessageStatusList |
WebMetric |
The WebMetric interface represents a metric object.
WebMetricHeader |
The WebMetricHeader extends the WebHeader interface
to provide additional information about metric headers.
WebMetricHierarchicalSort |
This interface represents a metric hierarchical sort.
WebMetricHierarchicalSortConfig |
This interface is intented to configure a sort operation on a grid.
WebMetricSort |
This interface contains methods specific to the operations which are necessary to perform
a metric sort.
WebMetricSortConfig |
WebMetricSubtotal |
This interface represents the subtotal for a metric.
WebMIMEProperties |
WebMonitor |
A WebMonitor object corresponds to the monitor object in metadata.
WebMonitorField |
A WebMonitorField represents a field in the monitor object.
WebMonitorProperty |
WebNewFormsDrillAction |
WebNewObjectDrillAction |
WebNode |
The WebNode interface represents a node within an expression tree.
WebNodePlaceHolder |
This interface represents a placeholder within a WebNode .
WebNotification |
WebObjectCouple<X extends WebObjectInfo,​Y extends WebObjectInfo> |
Interface to couple two types of WebObjectInfo together
WebObjectFilter |
The WebFolder interface represents a folder object, either in metadata or a volatile one.
WebObjectInfo |
The WebObjectInfo interface represents the fields on any first class object which resides in metadata.
WebObjectSecurity |
The WebObjectSecurity interface contains the operations that can be done to a WebObjectInfo
object relating to security, in particular, viewing and modifying the Access Control List(ACL)
and taking ownership of an object.
WebObjectSource |
The WebObjectSource object is used to execute object-related operations and instantiate objects
such as WebObjectInfo and WebSearch .
WebObjectsPrompt |
This interface represents Objects prompt.
WebObjectsPromptAnswer |
The WebObjectsPromptAnswer interface represents a user answer to
WebObjectsPrompt .
WebOperatorNode |
The WebOperatorNode interface represents an operator node within an expression.
WebOptimizedDrillPathSettings |
WebPalette |
WebParsedMetric |
This interface represents a metric resulted from parsing by backend.
WebParsedModel |
This interface represents a model resulted from parsing by backend.
WebParsedModelAvailableObjects |
This interface represents the availableObjects parameter of the parsed model command.
WebParsedModelData |
WebParsedModelIdType |
This interface is designed for supporting the `idtypes` of the WebParsedModelAvailableObjects.
WebParsedObject |
This interface represents an object resulted from parsing by backend.
WebPDFSettings |
WebPercentToTotalMetric |
The WebPercentToTotalMetric represents a percent to total metric object.
WebPerformanceMonitor |
WebPerformanceMonitor corresponds to a performance monitor in the metadata.
WebProductLicenseDetails |
WebProject |
The WebProject interface represents a first-class project object in metadata.
WebProjectCreator |
WebProjectDeleter |
WebProjectInfo |
This interface represents minimal project information
WebProjectInstance |
This class represents a single project on a single Intelligence Server.
WebProjectInstanceBase |
This interface represents the basic behavior of a project representation
WebProjectInstances |
The WebProjectInstances class represents a set of projects which are contained on an
Intelligence Server.
WebProjectManipulator |
The WebProjectManipulator interface represents the behavior of an
object that can change properties of a project within a Cluster.
WebProjectReference |
This interface represents a project reference which is registered with a WebServerDef object.
WebProjectReferences |
The WebProjectReferences interface represents the collection of project references
registered with a server definition( WebServerDef ) object.
WebProjectSetting |
This interface corresponds to a single setting of a project reference.
WebProjectSettings |
The WebProjectSettings interface represents a collection of settings on a project.
WebProjectSettingsGroup |
WebProjectSettingsGroup is a group of WebProjectSettings collections.
WebProjectSettingsModule |
WebProjectSource |
The WebProjectSource object is used to execute project-related tasks.
WebProjectStatus |
interface to manage the project status information
WebPrompt |
This interface represents a prompt object.
WebPromptableNode |
The interface WebPromptableNode represents a WebNode
containing a collection of WebPromptInstance .
WebPromptAnswer |
The WebPromptAnswer interface represents a user answer to a prompt
question and is persisted in metadata for that user.
WebPromptCustomStyle |
WebPromptCustomStyles |
WebPromptInstance |
The interface WebPromptInstance represends a single prompt
WebPromptInstances |
The interface WebPromptInstances represents a collection of
prompt instances.
WebPromptLocation |
WebPrompts |
This interface represents a read-only collection of WebPrompt objects
associated with a report.
WebPromptSite |
The interface WebPromptSite represents a site containing prompt
WebProperties |
Interface for WebProperties.
WebProperty |
WebProperty represents a property, which is an item in WebPropertySet .
WebPropertyGroup |
WebPropertyObj |
WebPropertySet |
WebPropertySet represents a property set, which is a first class object.
WebPushNotification |
This interface describes the behavior of a push notification (initially intended for mobile).
WebRankMetric |
The WebRankMetric interface represents a rank metric object.
WebRecommendationInfo |
WebRecommendationProvider |
WebRefNode |
The WebRefNode interface represents a reference node within an expression.
WebRelationship |
A WebRelationship object records schema information about how two entities
are related.
WebRelationshipNode |
The WebRelationshipNode interface represents a relationship node within an expression.
WebRemoveMetricDrillAction |
WebReportData |
The WebReportData interface represents the data of a report.
WebReportExcelExportSettings |
Interface for configuring export to excel settings.
WebReportExecutionSettings |
WebReportExportSettings |
WebReportGrid |
A report grid encapsulates titles, headers, and metric values.
WebReportInstance |
The WebReportInstance interface represents an instance of a report.
WebReportManipulation |
The report manipulation interface allows the user to apply a set of manipulations to the associated
report instance.
WebReportMessage |
This interface contains the methods which relate to the report's inbox message information.
WebReportPDFExportSettings |
WebReportPlainTextExportSettings |
WebReportSource |
The WebReportSource interface allows the user to execute and retrieve report instances, along with
giving access to many objects which have a supplemental usage in report execution.
WebReportStatement |
WebRequest |
WebResidueNode |
The WebResidueNode interface represents a shortcut node within an expression.
WebResultSetInstance |
Base interface containing method applicable to both document and report instances
WebResultSetManipulation |
The manipulation interface allows the user to apply a set of manipulations to a report
WebResultSettings |
This is the interface for the extendable parameters, which is an extension of the
original result flags.
WebResultWindow |
The WebResultWindow interface allows the user to set the window of report
results that the Intelligence Server should return.
WebReusableThresholds |
WebRow |
Report grids are typically laid out in rows of data, which
is what WebRow represents: a collection of WebRowValue
WebRowValue |
This interface provides accessor methods to obtain the various
properties associated with a metric value.
WebSchedule |
WebScheduledMaintenance |
This interface defines the scheduled maintenance to provide the API for cloudOM.
WebScheduledMaintenances |
This interface holds a collection of scheduled maintenance.
WebScheduleEvent |
Represents first-class object 'Event'.
WebSchedules |
WebScheduleSource |
WebScheduleTrigger |
WebScheduleTrigger represents a trigger on the Intelligence Server.
WebScheduleTriggerEvent |
WebScheduleTriggerTime |
This is the base class for all time trigger interfaces
WebScheduleTriggerTimeDaily |
WebScheduleTriggerTimeMonthly |
WebScheduleTriggerTimeWeekly |
WebScheduleTriggerTimeYearly |
WebScriptRuntimeEnv |
The WebScriptRuntimeEnv interface represents a script runtime object, which is a first-class object.
WebSearch |
The WebSearch class represents a search object, either in metadata or created
on the fly.
WebSearchSuggestion |
The WebSearchSuggestion interface represents a suggested keyphrase for specific input.
WebServerDef |
This interface represents a Server Definition object, which is a type of first-class
WebServerSetting |
This interface represents a single server setting.
WebServerSettings |
The WebServerSettings interface represents a collection of server settings associated
with a WebServerDef object.
WebSessionInfo |
The WebSessionInfo class represents the session used by this WebSessionInfo object.
WebSessionInfoList |
The WebSessionInfoList interface represents a list of WebSessionInfo objects.
WebShortcut |
This interface represents a shortcut object, which is a first class object.
WebShortcutNode |
The WebShortcutNode interface represents a shortcut node within an expression.
WebSimpleSecurityPluginSettings |
WebSort |
This is the generic sort interface to represent the information shared by all types of sorts.
WebSortConfig |
This interface is intented to configure a sort operation on a grid.
WebSorts |
This interface represents a collection of sort objects.
WebSourceManipulator |
WebStatement |
WebSubscription |
This interface represents a Subscription to scheduled reports
WebSubscriptionAddress |
This object represents a user's address that is used for Narrowcast subscription.
WebSubscriptionAnswer |
This object represents the personalization part of the subscription.
WebSubscriptionAssociatedUser |
WebSubscriptionAssociatedUsers |
WebSubscriptionComponent |
This object represents the a generic Subscription component.
WebSubscriptionContact |
This interface represents a 'Contact' object.
WebSubscriptionContacts |
WebSubscriptionContent |
This object encapsulates the report/document that the user subscribes to.
WebSubscriptionContentDocument |
WebSubscriptionContentFormat |
This interface represents the format that would be applied to content for which
a Narrowcast subscription is to be created.
WebSubscriptionContentProperties |
This interface helps define specific properties that control the
formatting of the content
WebSubscriptionContentReport |
WebSubscriptionContentReportProperties |
This interface specifies content properties for the report case
WebSubscriptionDeliveryModeCacheProperties |
WebSubscriptionDeliveryModeEmailProperties |
Each subscription is associated with a delivery mode.
WebSubscriptionDeliveryModeFileProperties |
Each subscription is associated with a delivery mode.
WebSubscriptionDeliveryModeFTPProperties |
Each subscription is associated with a delivery mode.
WebSubscriptionDeliveryModeHistoryListProperties |
This subinterface is used specifically for subscriptions to history list
WebSubscriptionDeliveryModeMobileProperties |
This sub-interface is used specifically for mobile subscriptions
WebSubscriptionDeliveryModePrintProperties |
Each subscription is associated with a delivery mode.
WebSubscriptionDeliveryModeProperties |
Each subscription is associated with a delivery mode.
WebSubscriptionDevice |
This object represents a device
WebSubscriptionDeviceLocation |
WebSubscriptionDynamicRecipientList |
WebSubscriptionDynamicRecipientList.MappingField |
WebSubscriptionEMMACubeOptions |
Object to represent EMMA cube related options in subscription
WebSubscriptionLocation |
This object is an abstraction of an address and a device.
WebSubscriptionLocationAttributes |
WebSubscriptionNotification |
This interface defines various methods that support
notification of when a subscription is sent.
WebSubscriptionProperties |
This interface defines various subscription related properties
WebSubscriptionRecipient |
WebSubscriptionRecipientEmail |
This interface represents an email recipient of a subscription.
WebSubscriptionRecipientList |
WebSubscriptionsFilter |
WebSubscriptionsSource |
The WebSubscriptionsSource interface allows the user to retrieve objects related to
subscription creation/manipulation and it's dependencies.
WebSubscriptionTrigger |
This object represents a trigger for Narrowcast subscription.
WebSubTitle |
A WebSubTitle is the finest granularity of title type
labels, and if it is a leaf node (no more embedded child
WebSubTitles |
Subtitles may be optionally associated with a
WebTitle .
WebSubtotalInstance |
The WebSubtotalInstance represents the 'definition' of how a subtotal has been turned on for any
given template.
WebTable |
The WebTable interface represents a table object.
WebTableSource |
First class object in the MD representing a set of physical tables
with the same suffix and prefix.
WebTemplate |
WebTemplate represents a template, which is a first class object.
WebTemplateAttribute |
The WebTemplateAttribute interface represents an attribute contained on a template.
WebTemplateAttributes |
The WebTemplateAttributes object represents the attributes collection which exists on a template.
WebTemplateConsolidation |
The WebTemplateConsolidation interface represents a consolidation contained on a template.
WebTemplateCustomGroup |
WebTemplateDimension |
The WebTemplateDimension interface represents a dimension contained on a template.
WebTemplateFormatContainer |
WebTemplateInfo |
Represents template information of an object.
WebTemplateInfo.WebModifierInfo |
WebTemplateMetric |
The WebTemplateMetric class represents a metric which currently exists on a template.
WebTemplateMetrics |
The WebTemplateMetrics object represents the metrics collection which exists on a template.
WebTemplateMetricSubtotal |
WebTemplateMetricSubtotals |
WebTemplateSubtotal |
The WebTemplateSubtotal interface represents a subtotal of a single
type within the WebTemplateSubtotals collection.
WebTemplateSubtotals |
The WebTemplateSubtotals object represents the collection of subtotals on a template
This object can be used to get the list of available subtotals, active subtotals etc,
turn on a subtotal by position (axis), across level (unit) or grouped by some template units.
WebTemplateUnit |
The WebTemplateUnit interface represents a template unit on a report.
WebTheme |
WebThreshold |
Defines operations on a threshold.
WebThresholds |
This interface encapsulates a collection of
WebThreshold instances,
as well as functions that operate on the collection.
WebThresholdsContainer |
The WebThresholdsContainer interface is implemented by any object that can contain thresholds.
WebThresholdTemplateAttribute |
WebThresholdTemplateMetric |
WebThresholdText |
This interface defines common operations on a threshold associated with
a textual component.
WebTime |
The WebTime interface represents a static or dynamic time.
WebTimeNode |
The WebTimeNode interface represents a time node within a WebExpression .
WebTimePrompt |
The WebTimePrompt interface represents a prompt which defines a time.
WebTitle |
The WebTitle interface describes various properties in
a report grid page title, column title or row title.
WebTitleUnit |
This is a superclass of WebTitle and WebSubTitle ,
and permits easy traversal of the title-subtitle tree.
WebToken |
This interface represents a token.
WebTokenStream |
This interface represents the token stream.
WebTransactableDataObject |
WebTransactableUnit |
WebTransactableUnit is used to represent the transaction info we set on a templateMetric/templateAttributeForm from a RWGrid or a
textField from a RWFieldGroup.
WebTransformationMetric |
The WebTransformationMetric interface represents a transformation metric object.
WebTransmitter |
WebTrustedServer |
The WebTrustedServer interface represents a server that has trust relationship with IServer.
WebUnitSubtotalInstance |
Subtotal instance that defines a unit subtotal.
WebUserAnswers |
WebValueNode |
WebViewInstance |
The WebViewInstance encapsulates a template, the
grid, graph data and properties associated with it.
WebViewMediaSettings |
WebVisualizationSettings |
The WebVisualizationSettings interface represents the list of visualization settings for a report, RW document, or
RW grid.
WebWallet |
WebWorkingSet |
The WebWorkingSet interface allows access the working set and base filter of a
report instance.