Package com.microstrategy.web.objects
Interface WebMetric
- All Superinterfaces:
public interface WebMetric extends WebObjectInfo
The WebMetric interface represents a metric object. It is derived fromWebObjectInfo
because a metric is a first class object.- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 7.3.1 or earlier
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Modifier and Type Method Description java.lang.String
Get the formula of the metric object in the form of an XMLboolean
Get the boolean value is the metric allows html executionjava.lang.String
Get the expression of the root of the metric object in the form of an XMLvoid
setIsAllowedHtmlExecution​(int value)
Set the flag for the metric if the html execution is allowed-
Methods inherited from interface com.microstrategy.utils.KeyedObject
Methods inherited from interface com.microstrategy.web.objects.WebDisplayUnit
addDetails, applyVisitor, canHighlight, getChildUnits, getDisplayName, getDisplayUnitType, hasDetails, highlightUnit, highlightUnit, isHighlighted, isObjectInfo, isSelected, setDisplayName, setSelected
Methods inherited from interface com.microstrategy.web.objects.WebFeatures
isFeatureAvailable, isFeatureAvailable
Methods inherited from interface com.microstrategy.web.objects.WebObjectInfo
buildShortObjectAttributes, buildShortXML, getAbbreviation, getAccessGranted, getAncestors, getCardStatus, getCertifiedInfo, getComments, getContainerDid, getContainerType, getCreationTime, getCreationTimeStamp, getDataSources, getDefaultLanguage, getDescription, getExtendedType, getFactory, getFlags, getIconPath, getID, getModificationTime, getModificationTimeStamp, getName, getNonSchedulable, getOtherNameTransCount, getOwner, getParent, getPreSaveAsFlags, getProjectId, getProjectName, getPropertyFlags, getPropertySetFilter, getPropertySets, getRecommendationInfo, getSecurity, getState, getSubType, getTemplateInfo, getType, getVersionID, getViewMediaSettings, getVisualizationViewMode, getXML, getXML, hasOwner, isAncestorNamedFolder, isDirty, isEmbedded, isHidden, isNew, isPopulated, populate, populate, setAbbreviation, setComments, setDataSources, setDefaultLanguage, setDescription, setExtendedType, setFlags, setHidden, setIconPath, setName, setNonSchedulable, setPreSaveAsFlags, setPropertyFlags
Methods inherited from interface com.microstrategy.web.objects.WebPromptSite
Method Detail
java.lang.String getRootExpressionXML() throws WebObjectsException
Get the expression of the root of the metric object in the form of an XML- Returns:
- An XML representing the root of the metric object
- Throws:
java.lang.String getFormula()
Get the formula of the metric object in the form of an XML- Returns:
- formula string
void setIsAllowedHtmlExecution​(int value)
Set the flag for the metric if the html execution is allowed- Parameters:
- int value 1 for true false otherwise
boolean getIsAllowedHtmlExecution()
Get the boolean value is the metric allows html execution- Returns:
- true if html execution is allowed false otherwise