Interface WebReportData

  • All Superinterfaces:
    WebGraph, WebGridData

    public interface WebReportData
    extends WebGridData, WebGraph
    The WebReportData interface represents the data of a report. This class exposes many different pieces of miscellaneous data in the report. Note that some of the methods on the interface rely upon certain result flags to be set when obtaining the XML, and if the correct flags are not set, those methods will return default values.
    MicroStrategy Web 7.3.1 or earlier
    • Method Detail

      • getViewMode

        java.lang.String getViewMode()
        Returns the view mode for the current report. This specifies whether the report is viewed as a grid, a graph or both.

        Returned from XSL search pattern: "/mi/rit/vw/vws/@vm".

        Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultGrid or EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultGraph.
        The view mode of the current report.
      • getGridStyle

        java.lang.String getGridStyle()
        Returns the grid style of the current report. This is set via the window_settings tag or via the DSSXMLResultSet.SetGridProperty method call.

        Returned from XSL search pattern: "/mi/rit/vw/vws/gdp/@gds".

        Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultGrid or EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultGraph.
        String representing the grid style of the current report.
      • getDrillOptions

        int getDrillOptions()
        Allows a user to extract the value of the Drilling Options. If not present, this method returns zero (0).
        Integer value of the "Drilling Options" property.

        The XSL search pattern used to return this value is "/mi/rit/vw/prs/pr[@n = 'DrillingOptions']/@dft".

        Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultXmlDisplayProperties.
      • isDrilledReport

        boolean isDrilledReport()
        Returns whether or not this report is the result of a drill operation.

        Returned from XSL search pattern: "/mi/rit/rsl/mi/in/oi[@tp='10']/mi/pif[@usd='1']".

        Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultGrid or EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultGraph.
        True if this report is the result of a drill, false if otherwise.
      • isDrillKeepParent

        boolean isDrillKeepParent()
        Returns whether or not the user has specified to keep parent attribute while drilling.

        Returned from XSL search pattern: "/mi/rit/vw/prs/pr[@n='DrillingKeepParent']/@dft".

        Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultXmlDisplayProperties.
        True if the user has specified to keep parent attribute while drilling.
      • isPromptedReport

        boolean isPromptedReport()
        Returns whether or not this report is the result of a prompt operation. If the DssXmlResultNoResolution result flag was set on the Report while fetching the execution results, this information is not reliable, as the corresponding XML is not returned in the report XML. The use of isPrompted() on WebReportInstance is instead reliable for all cases. This method will not consider a report with only dormant prompts prompted; use the method with the includeDormant parameter for a different behavior.

        Returned from XSL search pattern: "/mi/rit/rsl/mi/in/oi[@tp='10']/mi/pif[@usd='1']" Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultGrid or EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultGraph.

        True if the report is the result of a prompt, false if otherwise.
      • isPromptedReport

        boolean isPromptedReport​(boolean includeDormant)
        Returns whether or not this report is the result of a prompt operation. If the DssXmlResultNoResolution result flag was set on the Report while fetching the execution results, this information is not reliable, as the corresponding XML is not returned in the report XML. The use of isPrompted() on WebReportInstance is instead reliable for all cases.
        includeDormant - Determines whether dormant prompts should be considered when determining whether the report is prompted or not. Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultGrid or EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultGraph.
        True if the report is the result of a prompt, false if otherwise.
      • isReportTruncated

        boolean isReportTruncated()
        Returns whether or not this report is truncated. A truncated report would indicate that not all rows have been returned to in the result XML due to the window settings.

        Returned from XSL search pattern: "/mi/rit/vw/gr/@xmn".

        Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultGrid.
        Specified by:
        isReportTruncated in interface WebGridData
        True if the report is truncated.
      • isTotalAvailable

        boolean isTotalAvailable()
        Returns whether or not totals are available for this report.

        Returned from XSL search pattern: "/mi/rit/vw/gr/@sr".

        Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultGrid.
        Specified by:
        isTotalAvailable in interface WebGridData
        True if the totals are available.
      • getFolderID

        java.lang.String getFolderID()
        Returns the ID of the parent folder of this report.

        Returned from XSL search pattern: "/mi/in/oi[@id = /mi/fd/@rfd]/@did".

        Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultFolderPath.
        Value of the folder ID. "" if search pattern is not found.
      • getFolderName

        java.lang.String getFolderName()
        Returns the name of the parent folder of this report.

        Returned from XSL search pattern: "/mi/in/oi[@id = /mi/fd/@rfd]/@n".

        Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultFolderPath.
        Value of the folder name. "" if search pattern is not found.
      • getTemplateLimit

        java.lang.String getTemplateLimit()
        Please use getMetricsLimit instead. Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultDtlsTemplateLimit.
        Returns the template limit information for the current report. This value is obtained when a certain flag is set when getting results.
        A description of the template limit information.
      • getMetricsLimit

        java.lang.String getMetricsLimit()
        Returns the limit information set on the metrics of the report. Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultDtlsTemplateLimit.
        A description of the metrics limit information.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • getTemplateUnitsLimit

        java.lang.String getTemplateUnitsLimit()
        This method returns the summary of the limit information set on the individual units of the base template. Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultDtlsTemplateLimit.
        A description of the template units limit information.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • getViewTemplateLimit

        java.lang.String getViewTemplateLimit()
        Returns the template metric limit for the view report. This value is obtained when a certain flag is set when getting results. Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultDtlsTemplateLimit.
        A description of the template metric limit for view.
      • getBaseFilterName

        java.lang.String getBaseFilterName()
        Returns the name of the base filter within the current report.

        Returned from XSL pattern search: "/mi/rit/working_set/f/mi/in/oi[@tp=\"1\"]/@n"

        Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultWorkingSet.
        The base filter name.
      • getBaseFilterDetails

        java.lang.String getBaseFilterDetails()
        use a transform (e.g. to display the working set filter expression
        Returns the filter details for the base report.

        Returned from XSL pattern search: "/mi/rit/working_set/f/mi/exp[position()=1]/text()".

        Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultWorkingSet.

        Deprecated. Use to display.

         ReportBean rb;
         MarkupOutput mo;
         ExpressionObject expObj;
         expObj = WebBeanFactory.getInstance().newExpressionObject(rb.getReportInstance().getWorkingSet().getFilter().getExpression(), rb.getBeanContext(), rb.getReportInstance().getWorkingSet());
         ExpressionPlainTextTransform expressionTransform = new ExpressionPlainTextTransform();
         expressionTransform.transform(expObj, markupOutput);
        A string value of the filter details for the base report.
      • getViewFilterDetails

        java.lang.String getViewFilterDetails()
        Not used
        Returns the filter details for the view report.

        Returned from XSL pattern search: "/mi/rit/view_report/view_filter/f/mi/exp[position()=1]/text()".

        Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultViewReport.
        A string value of the filter details for the view report.
      • getMetricConditionality

        java.lang.String getMetricConditionality​(java.lang.String dssid)
        Returns a string representing the conditionality of a metric on the report. Note that this infomation will only be available if certain result flags are set when retrieving the report execution results. Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultDtlsTemplateUnits.
        dssid - The object ID of the metric to return the conditionality for.
        A string describing the conditionality of the metric.
      • getMetricFormula

        java.lang.String getMetricFormula​(java.lang.String dssid)
        Returns a string representing the formula of a metric on the report. Note that this infomation will only be available if certain result flags are set when retrieving the report execution results. Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultDtlsTemplateUnits.
        dssid - The object ID of the metric to return the formula for.
        A string describing the formula of the metric.
      • getReportDescription

        java.lang.String getReportDescription()
        Returns report description of the current report instance.
        The description of the current report.
      • getReportID

        java.lang.String getReportID()
        Returns report ID of the current report instance.

        Returned from XSL search pattern: "/mi/rit/rd/mi/in/oi/@did".

        The ID of the current report.
      • getReportName

        java.lang.String getReportName()
        Returns report name of the current report instance.

        Returned from XSL search pattern: "/mi/in/oi[position() = 0]/@n".

        The name of the current report.
      • getReportPath

        java.lang.String getReportPath()
        Returns the folder path to the current report.

        Returned from XSL search pattern: "/mi/fd/mi".

        Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultFolderPath.
        The folder path of the current report.
      • getReportType

        java.lang.String getReportType()
        this now maps to getRequestType()
        Returns the type of the type of the current report.

        Returned from XSL search pattern: "/mi/im/@rtp".

        Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultInboxMessage.
        The type of the current report from the inbox message.
      • getRequestType

        int getRequestType()
        Returns the type of the type of the current report.

        Returned from XSL search pattern: "/mi/im/@rtp".

        Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultInboxMessage.
        The type of the current report from the inbox message.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.2
      • getType

        int getType()
        Returns the type of the type of the current report. A value from EnumDSSXMLReportTypes
        The type of the current report.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.2
      • getSQL

        java.lang.String getSQL()
        Returns the SQL for the current report.

        Returned from XSL search pattern: "/mi/rit/sqls/sql/text()".

        Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultXmlSQL.
        The SQL of the current report.
      • getXML

        java.lang.String getXML()
        Returns the report result XML.
        A string representing the complete XML from the report result.
      • hasMetrics

        boolean hasMetrics()
        Returns whether the report contains any metrics. Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultGrid
        True if the report contains metrics, false otherwise.
      • getDatamartTableName

        java.lang.String getDatamartTableName()
        Returns the datamart table name used in this report.

        Returned from XSL search pattern: "/mi/rit/dmt/@dmtn".

        Required result flag to use this method is EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.DssXmlResultDatamartTableName
        The datamart table name of the report.
      • isReportTemplateLinked

        boolean isReportTemplateLinked()
        Returns true if the report template is linked.
        true if the report template is linked.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • isReportFilterLinked

        boolean isReportFilterLinked()
        Returns true if the report filter is linked.
        true if the report filter is linked.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • getReportTemplateName

        java.lang.String getReportTemplateName()
        Returns the name of the report template. Use only if report template is linked.
        returns the name of the report template.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • getReportFilterName

        java.lang.String getReportFilterName()
        Returns the name of the report filter. Use only if report filter is linked.
        returns the name of the report filter.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • getJobID

        java.lang.String getJobID()
        Returns the job ID when this report gets executed in the Intelligence Server.
        the job ID of the report.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • getReportDetails

        java.lang.String getReportDetails()
      • getFilterExpressionDescriptor

        java.lang.String getFilterExpressionDescriptor()
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getFilterExpressionDetails

        java.lang.String getFilterExpressionDetails()
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getFilterExpressionViewDescriptor

        java.lang.String getFilterExpressionViewDescriptor()
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getTemplateLimitDescriptor

        java.lang.String getTemplateLimitDescriptor()
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getTemplateLimitViewDescriptor

        java.lang.String getTemplateLimitViewDescriptor()
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getPromptDetails

        java.lang.String getPromptDetails()
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getTemplateDetails

        java.lang.String getTemplateDetails()
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getFilterDetails

        java.lang.String getFilterDetails()
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0