MicroStrategy ONE

Re-trigger the Initial Load of Object Telemetry

In the event that an initial load is interrupted or fails, the process will need to be re-triggered.

Re-trigger from Developer

  1. Open Developer and connect to the Project Source containing the Platform Analytics project.

    If you are running MicroStrategy Developer on Windows for the first time, run it as an administrator.

    Right‑click the program icon and select Run as Administrator.

    This is necessary in order to properly set the Windows registry keys. For more information, see KB43491.

  2. Navigate to Administration > Configuration Managers > Events.

  3. Right-click the event Load Metadata Object Telemetry and choose Trigger.

Re-trigger from Command Manager

  1. Using Command Manager, connect to the Intelligence Server for which you wish to re-trigger the initial load.

  2. Execute the following command:

    TRIGGER EVENT "Load Metadata Object Telemetry";