MicroStrategy ONE

Manually Deploy the Platform Analytics Repository

By default, the Platform Analytics Repository is created when running the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard during installation. However, if your warehouse becomes corrupted or if you only have a partial deployment of the repository, you may want to recreate the repository without re-running the Wizard. To support recreating the warehouse, utilize the Platform Analytics Warehouse Custom Installer.

The Platform Analytics Custom Installer requires the same prerequisites as the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard. For more information, see Platform Analytics Prerequisites.

How to Manually Create the Platform Analytics Repository

  1. Open Windows Services, locate MicroStrategy Platform Analytics Consumer and MicroStrategy Usher Metadata Producer. Right-click each service and select Stop.
  2. From the Platform Analytics directory, located at C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Platform Analytics\, open the bin folder and run the Platform Analytics Custom Installation script:
  3. When prompted, enter one of the following options:

    • Enter -o <install> to create the Platform Analytics warehouse database from scratch.

      This will always drop platform_analytics_wh database (if any) and re-create it. If the warehouse had processed data previously, this option will result in a loss of data.

    • Enter -o <update> to update the Platform Analytics warehouse database from an existing version to the latest version.

      This option will not drop the platform_analytics_wh database and will preserve the historical data.

  4. From the Platform Analytics directory, open the log folder and edit the file platform-analytics-installation.log.
  5. Verify you have the line Installation finished successfully at the conclusion of the file to indicate that the installation was successful.
  6. Open Windows Services, locate MicroStrategy Platform Analytics Consumer and MicroStrategy Usher Metadata Producer. Right-click each service and select Start.
  1. In the Platform Analytics directory, located at /MicroStrategy/install/PlatformAnalytics/, open the bin folder and run the following commands:
    ./platform-analytics-consumer.sh stop
    ./platform-analytics-usher-lookup-producer.sh stop
  2. Run the Platform Analytics Custom Installation script:
  3. When prompted, enter one of the following options:

    • Enter -o <install> to create the Platform Analytics warehouse database from scratch.
    • Enter -o <update> to update the Platform Analytics warehouse database from an existing version to the latest version.
  4. In the Platform Analytics directory, open the log folder and edit the file platform-analytics-installation.log.
  5. Verify you have the line Installation finished successfully at the conclusion of the file to indicate that the installation was successful.
  6. In the Platform Analytics directory, open the bin folder and run the following commands:
    ./platform-analytics-consumer.sh start
    ./platform-analytics-usher-lookup-producer.sh start