MicroStrategy ONE

Platform Analytics Prerequisites

Before installing Platform Analytics on a Windows or Linux machine, ensure that all of the following prerequisites are met.

  • The following ports must be open and available in the machines where you will install the Telemetry Server(s) and Platform Analytics:
    • 2181
    • 2888 and 3888 (only if you plan to cluster three or more Telemetry Servers)
    • 5432
    • 6379
    • 9092
  • You must create a MicroStrategy user in the group System Monitors > System Administrators or have access to the default Administrator user.
  • For an estimation of resource requirements for stable and performant operation of the Telemetry Store (previously called Platform Analytics Consumer) architecture under a consistent transactional load, see KB482872: Capacity Planning for Platform Analytics.
  • If installing PostgreSQL on another machine, the database user for the Platform Analytics Repository must be configured to allow remote access. Remote access can be enabled at the time of creating the DB User or after by following these steps:

    1. Open the pg_hba.conf file in the following location:

      On Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy\Repository\pgsql\PGDATA\pg_hba.conf

      On Linux: /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/Repository/pgsql/PGDATA/pg_hba.conf

    2. Add the following line to the file: host platform_analytics_wh mstr_pa {Machine IP}/32 password

      For example, host platform_analytics_wh mstr_pa password.

    3. Save the file.
    4. Restart the PostgreSQL database.
  • If installing MySQL on another machine, the database user for the Platform Analytics Repository must be configured to allow remote access. Remote access can be enabled at the time of creating the DB User or after by following these steps:

    1. Connect to the MySQL Server using any client (MySQL Workbench, DB Query Tool, etc.).
    2. Run the command:
      UPDATE mysql.user SET Host='%' WHERE Host='localhost' AND User='<DB User Name>'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
    3. Replace <DB User Name> with the user installing the Platform Analytics Repository.
    4. The database user can now connect to this MySQL server instance from any remote machine.