MicroStrategy ONE

How to Evaluate Qualifications at the Report or Grid Level

When a metric qualification in a view filter is evaluated by the system, the evaluation can be performed for all data that is returned for the report, or only the view of data that is currently available on the report grid. These two options can produce different report results when using the OLAP Services feature called dynamic aggregation.

By default, metric qualifications in a view filter are evaluated at the level of data that is available on the report grid. This means that any attributes that are included in the Report Objects pane but not on the report grid are not used to determine the level of the metric qualification.

The following information should be taken into consideration when choosing an evaluation level for a metric qualification. This information assumes you are familiar with report levels as explained in the Advanced Reporting Help.

  • Evaluation at the report grid level: Evaluating metric qualifications at the level present on the report grid allows the view filter to dynamically display analysis that reflects the data available on the report grid. If all attributes are on the report grid, then this level is used to calculate the metric qualification. Additionally, anytime an attribute is moved between the Report Objects pane and the report grid, the view filter dynamically recalculates the metric qualification to reflect the new level of data on the report grid.

    If derived metrics are also on this report, evaluating metric qualifications at the grid level also causes the metric qualifications to be evaluated after derived metrics by default. This means that these qualifications filter the results of any derived metric calculations. For more information, see the Advanced Reporting Help.

  • Evaluation at the report level: Evaluating metric qualifications at the report level regardless of what attributes are on the report grid or the Report Objects pane provides a consistent level of analysis during dynamic aggregation.

    If derived metrics are also on this report, evaluating metric qualifications at the report level also causes the metric qualifications to be evaluated before derived metrics by default. This means that these qualifications filter data before any derived metric calculations are applied. For more information, see the Advanced Reporting Help.

  • Metric-to-metric qualifications: The evaluation level of metric-to-metric qualifications cannot be modified. All metric-to-metric qualifications are evaluated at the report level. For information on metric-to-metric qualifications, see the Advanced Reporting Help.

The steps below show you how to modify the evaluation of metric qualifications in a view filter.

You need the Web Use View Filter Editor privilege.

A report with a metric qualification in the view filter that is not a metric-to-metric qualification.

To observe how this modification can affect report results, the report should also have some attributes in the Report Objects, but not on the report grid.

You cannot modify the evaluation level of metric-to-metric qualifications. All metric-to-metric qualifications are evaluated at the report level.

To modify the evaluation level of metric qualifications in a view filter

  1. Log in to a project in MicroStrategy Web.
  2. Run a report in Grid View.
  3. If the View Filter area is not displayed, from the Tools menu, select View Filter.
  4. In the View Filter area, right-click a metric qualification and select one of the following options, which you can switch between:
    • Apply Condition at the Grid Level (default): Evaluates the metric qualification only for the attributes included on the report grid. Attributes in the Report Objects pane but not on the report grid are not included in the metric qualification evaluation.
    • Apply Condition at the {attributes in Report Objects} Level: Evaluates the metric qualification for all attributes included in the Report Objects pane, regardless of whether they are displayed on the report grid.

      You can choose different evaluation options for separate metric qualifications in the same view filter.

  5. Click Apply..