MicroStrategy ONE

Updating Service Ports for Services Registration or Topology Monitor

  1. Navigate to the yaml folder in the Services Registration installation directory.

    • Windows:

      C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Services Registration\yaml

    • Linux:


  2. Edit the installation_list.yaml file with the port corresponding to the desired MicroStrategy service.

    For example:

      Name: MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service
      ID: MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service
      InstallType: 1
      InstallPath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Export"
      CommonPath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\MicroStrategy"
      Port: 20100
        version: "11.3.0000.1330"
  3. If the service supports both http and https ports, for service health check purposes, add HttpPort and HttpsPort under Tags.

    For example:

      Name: MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service
      ID: MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service
      InstallType: 1
      InstallPath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Export"
      CommonPath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\MicroStrategy"
      Port: 20100
        version: "11.3.0000.1330"
        HttpPort: 20100
        HttpsPort: 20443

    In this case, Port can either be http or https.

  4. Save the installation_list.yaml file.
  5. Manually run parser using the following command:

    Replace <serviceName> with the name of your service. In the above example, this would be MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service.

    java -jar svcsreg-admin.jar parse <serviceName>