MicroStrategy ONE

Introduction to Topology

Topology allows administrators to monitor MicroStrategy services and manage them in MicroStrategy Workstation. The following functionality is supported:

  • Service Health Monitor

    The administrator can monitor MicroStrategy services through Workstation and visualize if they are running or stopped.

  • Service Start/Stop

    The administrator can start or stop MicroStrategy services through Workstation. This functionality is currently limited to SSH authentication with username and password.

See View Environment Toplogy and Monitor Services in the Workstation Help for more information about using topology within Workstation.

The two following types of lightweight agents are used to monitor services in Workstation:

  • Monitoring Agents

    The monitoring agents come with the installation of most MicroStrategy services. Use them to monitor services and view their health status.

  • Communication Agents:

    Some monitoring agents also act as communication agents. In addition to monitoring services, communication agents help other monitoring agents locate each other and gather monitoring information. The administrator must pick at least one agent to act as a communication agent, so all other agents can locate each other through this agent.

    On environments where three or more machines host MicroStrategy Services, it is recommended that you choose at least three communication agents to provide redundancy and improved reliability, in case one communication agent becomes unavailable. The machines chosen to act as communication agents must be machines that host MicroStrategy Services, such as Intelligence Server or MicroStrategy Library. If you decide to use only one communication agent, it is recommended that you choose the machine that houses MicroStrategy Library (if deployed through the MicroStrategy installation), since Library communicates directly with Workstation.

    If your Library deployment is done through a WAR file or if you do not use a machine that houses MicroStrategy Library to host the communication agent, then use a machine that houses Intelligence Server.

MicroStrategy uses Consul technology for Services Registration. A monitoring agent corresponds to a Consul agent in client mode. A communication agent corresponds to a Consul agent in server mode.

Related Topics

Installing and Configuring Topology