MicroStrategy ONE

Removing a Service from the Topology Monitor

The administrator may choose to install MicroStrategy products on a machine, but not plan to configure them at the moment. To eliminate confusion, the administrator can remove them from the topology monitor.

  1. Stop Services Registration.
  2. Navigate to /MicroStrategy/Services Registration/yaml in your installation directory.
  3. Back up installation_list.yaml and then edit it.
  4. To remove a service, locate the corresponding service section in the installation_list.yaml file.
  5. Change the InstallType value to 0.

      Name: MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service
      ID: MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service
      InstallType: 0
      InstallPath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Export"
      CommonPath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\MicroStrategy"
      Port: 20100
        version: "11.3.0000.1330"
  6. Navigate to the Services Registration/jar folder and manually run parser using the following command.

    java -jar svcsreg-admin.jar parse <serviceName>

    Where <serviceName> is the name of your service. In the example above, the service name is MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service.

  7. Navigate to the installation directory and delete the Services Registration/data folder.
  8. Restart the consul.
  9. In Workstation, navigate to the Topology view and click the Refresh button.

  10. Verify that the service you removed is no longer visible.

Adding a Service Back to the Topology Monitor

  1. Stop Services Registration.
  2. Navigate to /MicroStrategy/Services Registration/yaml in your installation directory.
  3. To add a service back, locate the corresponding service section in the installation_list.yaml file.
  4. Change the InstallType value to 1.

      Name: MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service
      ID: MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service
      InstallType: 1
      InstallPath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Export"
      CommonPath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\MicroStrategy"
      Port: 20100
        version: "11.3.0000.1330"
  5. Navigate to the Services Registration/jar folder and manually run parser using the following command.

    java -jar svcsreg-admin.jar parse <serviceName>

    Where <serviceName> is the name of your service. In the example above, the service name is MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service.

  6. Navigate to the installation directory and delete the Services Registration/data folder.
  7. Restart the consul.
  8. In Workstation, navigate to the Topology view and click the Refresh button.

  9. Verify that the service you added is listed.

Related Topics

Installing and Configuring Topology