MicroStrategy ONE

Supported MicroStrategy Platform Services

Old Service Display Name

New Service Display Name

Service Description Default Port Executable


Intelligence Server Intelligence Executes the query, reporting and analysis server for MicroStrategy software. Controls security, caching, clustering, queueing and prioritization. 34952 MSTRSv2_64.exe Yes  
PDF Export Engine Export

Used by Intelligence to create PDF files from documents, reports, and dashboards



Library Server Library A personalized portal for every end user to access all their dashboards and report services documents (documents). BI authors can easily share links to dashboards or documents, which are hosted in MicroStrategy Library. End users can log into MicroStrategy Library to find a list of all dashboards and documents that they have access to.

Tomcat: 8080

https: 8443

MicroStrategyLibrary.war No  
Collaboration Server Collaboration

Allows teams, departments, and organizations to boost analytics adoption via interactive discussion threads and an intuitive comments panel. With real-time alerts, notifications, and easily shared personalized views, users have a holistic view of their business and benefit from enhanced teamwork.

3000 server.js Yes Collaboration Store
Collaboration Repository Collaboration Store   27017 mongod.exe Yes  
Mobile Server Mobile

An interactive interface of the MicroStrategy BI platform that lets mobile business users harness the analytical power of MicroStrategy through the use of their iPhone®, iPad®, and Android™ devices.

http: 80
https: 443
Admin.aspx Yes  
Tomcat: 8080
https: 8443
MicroStrategyMobile.war No  
Web Server Web

A browser-based client interface that enables IT to satisfy the diverse analytics needs of every enterprise user—consumers, analysts, data scientists, developers, and administrators—without the burden of distributing and maintaining multiple software packages.

http: 80
https: 443
main.aspx Yes  
8080 MicroStrategy.war No  
Messaging Server Telemetry

A distributed streaming platform that stores records streams of data in topics. Kafka producers allow an application, such as Identity and Intelligence, to publish records to one or more topics. The Kafka consumers allows applications to subscribe to topics.

9092 kafka.exe Yes Telemetry Manager
Messaging Manager Telemetry Manager The MicroStrategy platform messaging service that coordinates the Kafka Cluster 2181 zookeeper.exe Yes  
Platform Analytics Consumer Telemetry Store Reads the data that Intelligence and Identity send to Telemetry, transforms the data, and loads it into the Platform Analytics warehouse. N/A PlatformAnalyticsConsumer.exe Yes Telemetry Server
In-memory Cache Telemetry Cache

An in-memory cache used to optimize performance for the Platform Analytics Consumer.

6379 redis-server.exe Yes  
Repository     3306 mysqld.exe Yes  
Security Server Identity

A highly scalable, flexible, and easy to maintain system built on industry standards such as Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), Open Authorization (OAuth) 2.0 and OpenID Connect. The server synchronizes identities with enterprise identity management (IDM) systems of record, and presents those identities to Badge clients for authentication. The Identity server can be installed on premises or in the MicroStrategy Cloud environment as single-tenant. It can host multiple Badge networks.

ssl: 1443
two-way ssl: 2443
ROOT.war Yes  
Gateway Server Identity Gateway A mechanism (also known as a connector) that permits communication between Identity server and a secured asset. It represents a bi-directional secure communication connection used by the Identity server to communicate with user repositories hosted in IDM systems and PACS, and for logical resources. Each gateway is deployed as a web service which ensures secure communication between the Identity server, IDM systems, PAC systems, and logical resources. two-way ssl: 9501 gateway.war Yes  
Network Manager Identity Manager

The group of users in your organization who can use the Badge app on their smartphone to validate their identity, log on to applications, gain access to secure physical resources, and so on. Identity Manager is the administrative console that allows you to manage an organization’s network of users, configure access to Badge-enabled systems and resources, and distribute digital badges and keys.

Windows: 443 networkmgr
Certificate Manager Certificate Store Highlights services lacking SSL support, tracks current and pending certificate expirations. Presents visual cues about expiring or already expired certificates across the entire MicroStrategy deployment. 5050 CertificateManager.exe Yes  

Starting in version 2019, some of the service names have been changed to better explain their behavior. See the online readme corresponding to your software version for a list of the changes.

MicroStrategy Logging Consumer, MicroStrategy Listener, SSH, and MicroStrategy Registration Service are not monitored.

If using clusters, make sure that all machines in the Web server cluster can communicate with all machines in the Intelligence Server cluster.

Modification of the port the agents use to communicate is currently not supported.

Related Topics

Installing and Configuring Topology