MicroStrategy ONE

Troubleshooting Topology

This section covers issues that may occur in Workstation and how to correct them.

How to enable debug logging

Debug logging records errors and other useful information for why an issue occurred. For steps to enable debug logging, see KB483668: How to Enable Debug Logging for Topology.

Services Registration does not work when there is no network connection

If there is no network connection after installation, the Services Registration still works for all local services. If not, make sure the user logging into the machine is a local administrator. A user with adequate privileges for Services Registration, when connected to the network, might not have full administrator privileges locally when there is no network connection.

The Services Registration agent cannot start and No private IPV4 address found is found in the log file

  1. If the machine has more than one IP address, see Configuring Environments with Multiple IP Addresses
  2. If the machine has only one IP address, check the network setting using the following command, if the IPv4 is not in the list of acceptable private (RFC1918) addresses provided in the table below.

    • On Windows:

    • On Linux:

      ifconfig -a

    RFC1918 Name IP Address Range Number of Addresses Largest CIDR Block (Subnet Mask) Host ID Size Mask Bits Classful Description
    24-bit block - 16,777,216 ( 24 bits 8 bits Single class A network
    20-bit block - 1,048,576 ( 20 bits 12 bits 16 contiguous class B networks
    16-bit block - 65,536 ( 16 bits 16 bits 256 contiguous class C networks

  3. Check whether the network configuration is intended. If so and you want to use service registration, complete steps 4 and 5 for a workaround to bind the service registration agent to the non-acceptable IPv4 address.
  4. Navigate to the Services Registration\yaml folder.
  5. Edit the installation_list.yaml file by adding bind_addr: x.x.x.x to the consul section. Make sure to include a space between the colon and the IP address.

      install_path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Services Registration"
      java_install_path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\MicroStrategy\\JRE\\180_192\\Win64\\bin"
      server: false
       - sap-win2016.labs.microstrategy.com
       - pcheng-W10-PRO.labs.microstrategy.com
       - pcheng-RHEL-6-8.labs.microstrategy.com
  6. Stop the service registration agent, delete the Services Registration\data folder, and restart the service registration agent.

"MicroStrategy Services Registration is NOT available, please check the service status."

While using Workstation Topology to monitor services, an empty page appears with the message, "MicroStrategy Services Registration is NOT available, please check the service status." Follow the steps below to troubleshoot this issue.

Is the service registration agent running on the Library machine to which Workstation is connecting?

Log into the machine where Library is installed and check whether MicroStrategy Services Registration is running. On Windows, use the Windows Service Manager. On Linux, use ps -ef | grep consul.

If the agent is running, check whether the cluster agent is forming successfully. See Updating Service Ports for Services Registration or Topology Monitor for more information.

  1. If there is a firewall on the machine in which Library is installed, make sure the 8300(TCP) and 8301(TCP/UDP) ports are open.
  2. Try to ping the machines listed in Services Registration/config/consul.json for "retry_join" to ensure the machines can be accessed.
  3. Make sure the leader election is complete. Check the ServicesRegistration log file with the latest time stamp in the Services Registration/log folder. If you see the message, "failed to sync remote state: No cluster leader" follow steps 4 and 5. Otherwise, skip to step 6.
  4. The correct cluster configuration should be verified on every machine with a service registration agent. Check the configuration of the cluster. There should be one or three communication agents defined in the cluster as specified in the "retry_join" list of the installation_list.yaml file. This list should be consistent on all nodes.
  5. Make sure there is no dirty data in the Services Registration/data folder. After unsuccessful cluster forming or modification of cluster members, there may be invalid data left in the data files. Stop all agents, delete the Services Registration/data folder on every cluster node and restart all agents to form the cluster.
  6. If MicroStrategy Library is deployed on a machine where MicroStrategy Services are not installed, go to the Application Server managing the consul and restart the MicroStrategy Library deployment. If the agent is not running, check the ServicesRegistration log file with the latest time stamp in the Services Registration/log folder to see why the agent did not start. If the message, "No private IPv4 address found" appears, see The service registration agent cannot start.

If the agent is not running, check the ServicesRegistration log file with the latest time stamp in the Services Registration\log folder to see why the agent cannot start.

Does the machine have multiple IP addresses? Were all IPs available when installing the product?

Does the machine have an unacceptable IP address? If the agent hit "No private IPv4 address found," see The service registration agent cannot start.

How was the MicroStrategy Library WAR file deployed on the server?

There may be issues if the Linux server was not upgraded properly. For example, if you upgraded to 11.0 from 10.10 on a Linux server, did not run the MicroStrategy installer, but downloaded and copied the WAR file. In this situation, see Install MicroStrategy in the In-Place Upgrade on a Linux Deployment section of the Upgrade Help and Deployment Scenarios in the Installing MicroStrategy Library on Linux section of the Upgrade Help.

Are the nodes communicating with each other through network address translation (NAT)?

NAT is currently not supported by the service registration feature.

A service displays a red icon

  1. In Workstation, hover over the stop icon to view additional information in the tooltip.
  2. Review the possible causes provided in the tooltip.
  3. Verify the service is running. Log into the machine where the service is installed. Verify it is running in Windows Service Manager.
  4. Verify the required port is available. If the service fails to start, check to see whether the required port is available. See Supported MicroStrategy Platform Services to view the default ports.
  5. Verify the proper port is in the configuration file. If the service is running, but Workstation shows the service is down, check the configuration file (such as MicroStrategy Mobile Server JSP.json) for this service. The configuration file is located in the installation directory at MicroStrategy/Services Registration/config. Check to see if the port number, http port number, and https port number are consistent with the port used for the service.
  6. If the ports are correctly defined in the service.json file, but Workstation still shows the service is down, copy the URL for the health check from the service.json file. Paste the URL in your browser to see if it is a valid link. If the link does not work, replace "localhost" with the IP address of the machine from which you are accessing the URL and try again.
  7. Check the log file at /MicroStrategy/Services Registration/log in your installation directory.

If a service is configured to use a non-default port number after the installation, the new port number is not recorded in the JSON configuration file. You must manually update the JSON file with the post-install configured port number and restart the MicroStrategy Service Registry. SeeUpdating Service Ports for Services Registration or Topology Monitor for more information.

Unable to start or stop a service

  1. Connect to an environment, making sure the corresponding user login has adequate privileges. In Workstation, log into an environment as a MicroStrategy user with administrator privileges or as an administrator user of the web container for the Library. In maintenance mode, go to the topology view and verify that start/stop capability is supported for a service, by right-clicking on the service. If the Start and Stop options in the pop-up menu are grayed out, the start/stop capability is not supported for that service.
  2. Verify SSH is available and running on the machine with the service. If not, see Configuring SSH on Windows or Configuring SSH on Linux.
  3. Verify the firewall is enabled and port 22 is open on the firewall.
  4. Verify the service status in a refreshed view. If a user has sent the start or stop request in Workstation, before another request is sent out, refresh the topology view to get the latest service status.

A service is not reachable

  1. Verify that the machine where the service is hosted is reachable from the MicroStrategy Library machine.
  2. If there are firewalls in the environment, verify that the ports (8300 and 8301) are open to support sending and receiving TCP/UDP requests between the machines hosting the services.
  3. Verify that the agent is running. On Windows, use the Windows Service Manager to check whether MicroStrategy Services Registration is running. On Linux, use ps -ef | grep -i consul.

Consul does not start after installing MicroStrategy 2019 Update 2 Hotfix on a Linux machine

The nslookup tool is missing if Redhat Enterprise Linux 7 is installed using the minimal option. Consul depends on the nslookup command to resolve a machine's IP address from the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN). To ensure that Consul can be started successfully, install the missing tool by executing the following command in a terminal:

# yum install bind-utils

Customized Deployments

Case 1: When installing topology in a two machine environment, MicroStrategy services are installed without the multiple machines option. As a result, you must manually configure the consul cluster after the installation. In this case, Library was deployed through the installer and both the Library and Web servers are on the same machine. The Intelligence server is installed on another machine. First, make sure the required ports are open.

On all machines

  1. Stop Services Registration on all machines. In this case, there are two machines.

    • On Windows, use Service Manager (Runservices.msc) to stop MicroStrategy Services Registration.

    • For Linux, see Restarting Services Registration for detailed steps.

  2. Navigate to the installation directory and delete MicroStrategy/Services Registration/data.

  3. Restart Services Registration on all machines int he same consul cluster

On the Library server machine:

  1. Navigate to the MicroStrategy/Services Registration/yaml directory.
  2. Open installation_list.yaml and locate the consul section.
  3. Add the retry_join parameter with the FQDN of the Intelligence server so that the Library server can point to it.
  4. Verify the server parameter is set to false.
  5. Remove the bootstrap_expect: <number> line.

On the Intelligence server machine:

  1. Navigate to the MicroStrategy/Services Registration/yaml directory.
  2. Open installation_list.yaml and locate the consul section.
  3. Update retry_join by listing all communication agents' FQDNs. See Specifying the Topology Communication Agent for more information.
  4. Remove all monitoring agents' FQDNs from retry_join.
  5. Make sure the format for retry_join matches the format shown in Changing the Monitoring Agent to a Communication Agent.
  6. Add bootstrap_expect: <number>. See Specifying the Topology Communication Agent for more information.
  7. Change server: true to server: false.
  8. Save the file.

Case 2: JBoss is running on the same machine as the Intelligence server. Both Web and Library are installed, but deployed in JBoss.

  1. Since Web and Library are on the same machine, both MicroStrategy Web Server JSP.json and MicroStrategy Library REST Server.json are available in the ServicesRegistration/config install folder. Update installation_list.yaml files with the port number used for the Web and Library JBoss deployment, if necessary. See Updating Service Ports for Services Registration or Topology Monitor to update the ports.
  2. Perform a health check by going to http://localhost:8080/MicroStrategyLibrary/health and Replace 8080 with the port number running Web and Library. If this does not work, try replacing the localhost with the IP address of the machine.
  3. Stop the consul and delete the ServicesRegistration/data folder.
  4. Restart Services Registration.

Unable to monitor or control MicroStrategy Services from Workstation

In certain situations, the installer may fail to generate the JSON files for MicroStrategy Services, such as the Intelligence Server, Platform Web, Library, Collaboration Server, and others. As a result, the config sub-folder may not be generated inside the Services Registration installation directory, or the config folder may only contain a single JSON file. When either of these situations occur, several or all services cannot be monitored or controlled via Workstation.

To resolve this issue, go to the problematic node and execute the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the jar folder in the Services Registration installation directory.

    • Windows:

      C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Services Registration\jar

    • Linux:


  2. Run the following command:

    # java -jar svcsreg-admin.jar parse
  3. Verify that the JSON files are generated under the config folder.
  4. Restart MicroStrategy Services Registration.

    • In Windows, perform the restart through Windows Service Manager.

    • In Linux, execute the following command:

      # java -jar svcsreg-admin.jar control consul restart
  5. Open the Topology tab in Workstation. Now you should be able to monitor the status of services and also issue start and stop commands to MicroStrategy services.

Related Topics

Installing and Configuring Topology