MicroStrategy ONE

Topology FAQ

This topic answer some of the most frequently asked questions about Topology.

How do I check the Services Registration cluster status?

  1. Open a command window and go to your MicroStrategy install path at \Service Registration\bin.

  2. Execute the following commands:

    • On Windows:

      consul members
    • On Linux

      ./consul members
  3. Verify the returned list to see whether it is consistent with the cluster configuration. Verify the machine names, the number of machines with communication agents (as server) running, the number of machines with monitoring agents (as client) running, statuses of these agents, and so on.

What happens if Library, which comes with Services Registration, is deployed and on the same machine where the Intelligence server is running and Services Registration is also installed? Which Services Registration service takes priority?

The installed Services Registration takes priority.

When is it required to delete the ServicesRegistration/data folder?

The data folder is created by the consul process and it caches the cluster information and key/value (KV) pairs.

The following are scenarios where the data folder should be deleted:

  • Consul is downgraded to a lower version. This usually happens when a hotfix is uninstalled.

  • A service is removed or added.

  • A communication agent is removed from or added into the cluster.

  • Consul fails to start.

If Remote Diagnostics is enabled and configured, after deleting the data folder and restarting Services Registration, the MicroStrategy Intelligence server must be restarted. Otherwise, Remote Diagnostics information may not be sent to the Telemetry server.