MicroStrategy ONE

Ensuring Images in MicroStrategy Web Work With Content in the Library

The MicroStrategy Library and MicroStrategy Web are different web applications that do not share a common images directory. As a result, documents and dashboards in MicroStrategy Web with images in them may appear incorrectly in MicroStrategy Library if the images are stored as relative paths. To ensure that any documents or dashboards that you make available in MicroStrategy Library appear as expected with images, we recommend the following:

  1. When creating documents and dashboards, it is possible to embed images into the content. When you do this, you insert an image into the content via upload and the image is referenced on disk via the MicroStrategy metadata. This is the recommended way of including images in your content since it ensures that both MicroStrategy Web and Library are able to commonly access the image. For images embedded in your content in this method, the images will work in both Web and Library and no further action is required.
  2. The second way to include images in content is via an absolute path reference. An absolute path reference typically looks like this, "https://www.microstrategy.com/getmedia/3534c22d-a593-4ecc-bbec-c8c6ac3deab5/logo.jpg". Images referenced via absolute paths will also work in both Web and Library and no further action is required.
  3. The third way to include images in content is via a relative path. Whenever possible, we recommend you either embed images in your content, or use absolute path references. A relative path typically looks like this, /images/logo.jpg. Relative paths point to locations that are relative to the application that they were originally created for. As a result, a relative path defined for MicroStrategy Web will not work with MicroStrategy Library. This means that documents and dashboards deployed on MicroStrategy Web with relative paths will appear with broken images. There are two ways to fix this:
    • Replace all of the relative paths with embedded images or absolute paths. This is recommended when there are only a few impacted documents. However, if you have many documents and dashboards in MicroStrategy Web with many relative path images, you should use the next option.
    • Copy or synchronize the /images directory from MicroStrategy Web to the /images directory in MicroStrategy Library. This will allow the Library to access the images required to render the documents correctly.