MicroStrategy ONE

Create a Web Service in OBIEE

To import data from OBIEE, you need to obtain the URL of the query in Web Services Description Language (WSDL). The OBIEE web service is called BI Services for SOA. Although it is installed by default as part of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Control, it is not enabled by default.

This procedure contains high-level information required to use OBIEE with MicroStrategy. See your OBIEE documentation for the latest information.

To create a web service in OBIEE

  1. If the BI Services for SOA are enabled, go to step 7.
  2. If the BI Services for SOA are not enabled, go to step 3.
  3. Open the Credentials page of Oracle Fusion Middleware Control.
  4. Create a new credential map called oracle.bi.enterprise if it does not exist already.
  5. Create a new credential key called wsil.browsing, using any valid repository user name and password. This user name is used for browsing the target web catalog only, not for invoking the report.
  6. Restart the entire managed server.
  7. View the full listing of the Web Services Inspection Language (WSIL) web services for each OBIEE report by opening http://localhost:portnumber/biservices/inspection in a web browser. Replace localhost and portnumber with your information.
  8. Locate your report in the web browser and click its corresponding link to execute the report.
  9. Copy the URL from the executed report. Use this WSDL URL during the data import process.
