MicroStrategy ONE

Setting panel properties using the Properties dialog box

Before you begin

You should be familiar with the different parts of a panel stack. See Defining the parts of a panel stack for detailed descriptions.

You can define the name and order for all panels in the selected panel stack using the Properties dialog box. You can also add and delete panels.


This procedure assumes you have added a panel stack to the document. For instructions, see Adding panel stacks to documents.

To set panel properties

  1. Open the document in the Document Editor. (How?)

  2. Right-click the panel stack containing the panel to modify, and select Properties. The Properties dialog box opens.

  3. The General tab and Layout tab allow you to set the properties for the entire panel stack. For more information, see Setting panel stack properties using the Properties dialog box.

  4. Click the Panels tab.

  5. In the list of panels, select the panel to modify.

  6. Reordering the panels of a panel stack allows you to set the order in which users view the panels. For more information, see Adding panels to a panel stack.

    • Click Move Up to incrementally move the selected panel forward in the viewing order.

    • Click Move Down to incrementally move the selected panel backward.

  7. The current panel of a panel stack is the panel displayed in Design View, PDF View, and initially in MicroStrategy Web, although the user can change to a different panel in Interactive Mode, Editable Mode, and Flash Mode in MicroStrategy Web. To set this panel as the current panel, click Set as Current.

  8. The panel name identifies the panel in the selector, which is used to switch between panels, and can be displayed in the title bar of the panel stack. To rename the panel:

    • Click Rename.

    • Type the new name in the panel list, and then press Enter.

  9. You can set the properties for another panel, or click OK when you have completed setting the properties. You are returned to the Document Editor.