MicroStrategy ONE

Deciding which interface to use to format panels and panel stacks

Before you begin

You should be familiar with the different parts of a panel stack. See Defining the parts of a panel stack for detailed descriptions.

The Property List is the easiest interface to use, as it contains most of the options of the other interfaces on the same screen as the Layout area. However, you cannot use it to format the title bar. Use the Format Objects dialog box instead for that task. Most of the properties in the Property List apply to the panel stack (the holder for the panels). For instance, if you apply a drop shadow in the Property List, all the panels in the panel stack use the same drop shadow.

The remaining properties in the Property List format the current panel and determine the background. These properties are listed below:

  • Backcolor

  • Backstyle

  • Gradient Color

  • Gradient Variant

The following list presents formatting tasks and the most effective interface to use for each.

All the border formatting described above apply to the entire panel stack.

By changing the current panel, you can format the background of each panel in the panel stack.