MicroStrategy ONE

Graph Type: Combination

You can select the following layouts for the combination graph:

  • Bar Area: This combination graph displays a combination of bar risers and area risers. It uses the formatting options available for Vertical Bar graphs.

  • Dual Axis Bar Area: This combination graph displays a combination of bar risers and area risers on a dual axis. It uses the formatting options available for Vertical Bar graphs.

  • Bar Line: This combination graph displays a combination of bar risers and line risers. It uses the formatting options available for Vertical Bar graphs.

  • Dual Axis Bar Line: This combination graph displays a combination of bar risers and line risers on a dual axis. It uses the formatting options available for Vertical Bar graphs.

  • Area Line: This combination graph displays a combination of area risers and line risers. It uses the formatting options available for Vertical Area graphs.

  • Dual Axis Area Line: This combination graph displays a combination of area risers and line risers. It uses the formatting options available for Vertical Area graphs.

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