MicroStrategy ONE

Formatting images using the Property List

The Property List is the most convenient way to format images, as it contains all the options of the other interfaces, and it appears on the same screen as the Layout area. Its image formatting options include borders (including 3D borders and drop shadows), tooltips, font, alignment, and colors, including gradient colors (two-color combinations). The general and layout properties include the properties that define the image, such as name, image source, position, size, and hyperlink information.

To format an image using the Property List

  1. Open the document to be formatted in the Document Editor. How?

  2. If the Property List is not displayed, select Property List from the View menu.

  3. In the Layout area, select the image to format.

    The following properties are described in the order they appear in the Property List. To skip to a different section of this procedure, click one of the following:

  4. Change the appearance (such as border and tooltip)

  5. Change the source file

  6. Create a hyperlink

  7. Change margins

  8. Resize the image

To change the appearance

  1. You can change the Name, which identifies the image.

  2. To make the image appear three-dimensional, like a button, apply a 3D effect to the border of the image:

    • Change 3D effect to either Sunken (to inset the image, like a pushed button) or Raised (to outset the image, like a button).

    • Enter the thickness of the 3D line, measured in points, in 3D weight.

      The 3D effect border takes precedence over any existing border. If you later disable the 3D effect, the original border settings are restored.

  3. To define the style and color of the borders, click the button in the Border field. The Border tab of the Format Objects dialog box opens. See Steps to format borders for further instructions.

  4. To "float" the HTML container on top of the background, apply a drop shadow:

    • Set Drop shadow to True.

    • Enter the offset of the drop shadow, in points, in Drop shadow depth.

  5. To display a pop-up tooltip, enter the text in Tooltip.

  6. To hide the image when a user views the document, set Visible to False. The image remains visible in Design View in MicroStrategy Developer and Design Mode in MicroStrategy Web. For more information, see Hiding controls.

  7. Enter the source (the file location of the image) in the Property List: Image section. To ensure access to the image, follow the rules in Adding images to documents.

  8. To create a hyperlink, which is a selectable connection from a text field or image to another destination, such as a Web page, do the following:

    • Select True from the drop-down list in the Is Hyperlink property.

    • In Hyperlink, type the destination URL. Notice that http:// is automatically filled in, although you can delete it if necessary.

      You can include dataset values, such as Region or Category, in the URL. Data fields must be typed within braces (that is, { }) and must match either the name of an object in a dataset or the alias of an object. In the hyperlink, enter the data fields as shown in the following samples, which use fictitious links:

      • http://www.microstrategy.com/{[Customer Region]}

      • http://www.microstrategy.com&Cat={Category}

    • In Open in new window, select whether the hyperlink opens in the same window as the current document or in a new window. By default, it opens in a new window.

      The hyperlink will open in a new window in HTML View only.

  9. Enter a new number in the Left property. This left margin is the distance between the left edge of the HTML container and the left border of the section.

  10. Enter a new number in the Top property. This top margin is the distance between the top edge of the HTML container and the top of the section.

  11. To change the height of the image, enter the new number in the Height property.

  12. By default, the image retains its original width-to-height ratio. To change this, set Lock aspect ratio to False.

  13. To change the width of the image, enter the new number in the Width property.

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