MicroStrategy ONE

Formatting numbers in text fields

Number formatting options include decimal spaces, currency symbols, time formats, zip code formats, and so on. For example, the text fields in the following document sample have different number formats applied to them. The one on the left is a date in the MM/DD/YYYY format, while the one in the middle, another date, is in the Month Date, Year format. The text field on the right is a number formatted as currency, with no decimal.

01/01/2025     January 1, 2025     $21,127

01/02/2025     January 2, 2025     $22,734

01/03/2025     January 3, 2025     $21,831

Text fields are the only control type to allow number formatting.


The following procedure assumes the text field to be formatted has already been added to the document. For instructions, see Adding text and data to documents.

To format numbers in text fields

  1. From a project in MicroStrategy Developer, navigate to the folder containing the document.

  2. Right-click the document name or icon, and select Edit. The document opens in Design View in the Document Editor.

  3. Right-click the text field to be formatted, and select Format. The Format Objects dialog box opens.

  4. Click theNumbertab.

  5. Choose a Category, such as Date or Currency. The Settings and Sample sections of the dialog box change depending upon the category selected.

  6. Use the Settings area to make your number formatting selections.

    For example, if you select Date as the category, the Settings area allows you to choose which date format to use, such as 4/12/23, April 12, 2023, 4/7/2023, and so on. If you select Fixed as the category, you can determine the number of decimal places to be displayed, whether you want numbers to be separated every three decimal places, and whether negative numbers are allowed.

    After you select a setting, the Sample area updates to provide you with an example of your selection.

  7. You can define your own custom number format if none of the built-in formats meet your needs, by following the steps below:

    1. Click Custom in the Category list.

    2. Enter the number formatting symbols, such as 123,456.789$.

      Once you create a custom format, you can use it in other text fields as well. Click Custom in the Category list and select the format from the Custom drop-down list.

  8. Click OK to return to the document.