MicroStrategy ONE

Integrate OIDC Support with Ping

This procedure provides instructions for integrating MicroStrategy Web with Ping. For more information, see the Ping documentation.

Create an Application

  1. Log in as a Ping administrator and connect to the desired environment console.
  2. Go to Connection and click Add Application.
  3. Select WEB APP as the Application type.
  4. Select Configure OIDC as Connection type.
  5. Enter the Application name.
  6. Enter the Redirect URIs. This is the MicroStrategy deployment path followed by “/auth/oidc/login”. For example., https://env-xxxxxx.customer.cloud.microstrategy.com:443/MicroStrategy/auth/oidc/login.
  7. On Grant Resource Access to Your Application page, click the drop-down next to Filtered By and select openid.
  8. Add all four scopes including address, email, phone, and profile.
  9. Click Next followed by Save and Close.
  10. Enable the application.
  11. Take note of the Client ID, CLIENT SECRET, and ISSUER under the Configuration tab. You will need this information later to configure MicroStrategy with the Ping application.