MicroStrategy ONE

Unavailability of Intelligent Cubes

If an Intelligent Cube is unavailable, this can cause your reports connected to this Intelligent Cube to fail. This is because the report depends on the Intelligent Cube to provide the data for the report.

The scenarios listed below cause reports to return error messages when Intelligent Cubes are unavailable:

  • The Intelligent Cube is not published. This scenario can occur when an Intelligent Cube is removed to:

    • Update it with new data available in the data warehouse.

    • Respond to the lack of use of the Intelligent Cube and release its resources for more frequently used Intelligent Cubes.

    • Provide space for a new Intelligent Cube because Intelligent Cube storage limits have been exceeded.

      Contact your administrator to determine why an Intelligent Cube is no longer published and whether there are plans to publish it again.

  • The Intelligent Cube is currently offline. In this scenario, the Intelligent Cube is published but has been made unavailable for reporting. Contact the administrator of Intelligent Cubes to determine why the Intelligent Cube has been made unavailable, as well as if and when the Intelligent Cube will be made available again.

  • The Intelligent Cube is still in the process of being published for the first time. In general, Intelligent Cubes do not require downtime during updates, but it is possible that the Cube was generated and has not yet been published yet. If you wait for the Intelligent Cube to publish, you should then be able to run your report without experiencing this error.

    To avoid this error, ask the administrator of Intelligent Cubes when Intelligent Cubes are published and refreshed to reflect up-to-date data. This information can help you avoid accessing Intelligent Cubes during times of planned maintenance.