MicroStrategy ONE

Configure One-Way SSL between Library and Telemetry Servers

Before configuring one-way SSL between the Library and Telemetry servers, see KB484968 to set up the certificates, keys, and Telemetry Server nodes.

This procedure provides instructions on configuring one-way SSL between Library and Telemetry servers, assuming the setup on Telemetry Server (all nodes of the cluster) and key/certificates have been configured by following the KB article listed above.

  1. Locate the configuration file. The path of this file may vary depending on your configured install path for Tomcat.


    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy\Tomcat\apache-tomcat-9.0.65\webapps\MicroStrategyLibrary\WEB-INF\classes\config\configOverride.properties



    If there is no configOverride.properties file in the folder, you must create it.

    In the file, all fields that must be modified have a description and example available in configDefault.properties, which is in the same folder.

  2. Add the truststore path and password to the config file. Open configOverride.properties and add the following fields if they do not exist. If you make any changes, restart Tomcat.

    trustStore.path=/<path to>/client.truststore.jks
    trustStore.passphrase=<truststore password>
  3. Configure the IP/port and security protocol. Open configOverride.properties, add/modify the following fields, and restart Tomcat.

    producer.kafkaProperties.security.protocol = SSL
    producer.kafkaProperties.bootstrap.servers = host1:port1,host2:port2,...