MicroStrategy ONE
Connect to MicroStrategy Using a Workstation Identity Token
The mstrio-py Python library provides a Connection module to initiate a session with the Intelligence Server. It supports Standard and LDAP authentication modes.
To initiate the session, you must insert the URL to the MicroStrategy REST API server, Project ID, username, and password.
from mstrio.connection import Connection
base_url = "https://your-microstrategy-server.com/MicroStrategyLibrary/api"
mstr_username = "Username"
mstr_password = "Password"
project_id = "PROJECT_ID"
conn = Connection(base_url, mstr_username, mstr_password, project_id=project_id)
Scripts executed in Workstation can be modified to access the global variable workstationData
and use the Identity token of the environment it is currently stored in. By initiating the session this way, users no longer have to insert the URL to the MicroStrategy REST API server and their credentials into the script.
import requests
from typing import Union
from mstrio.connection import Connection
from requests.cookies import RequestsCookieJar
def get_connection(workstation_data: dict, project_id: str = None,
project_name: str = None) -> Union[Connection, None]:
"""Get connection based on data saved in memory of Workstation. It is
possible to provide 'project_id' or 'project_name' to select project.
When both `project_id` and `project_name` are `None`, project selection
is cleared. When both `project_id` and `project_name` are provided,
`project_name` is ignored.
Project can be also selected later by calling function 'select_project'
on Connection object.
workstation_data (object): object which is stored in a 'workstationData'
variable within Workstation
project_id (str, optional): id of project to select
project_name (str, optional): name of project to select
connection to I-Server or None is case of some error
print('Creating connection from Workstation Data object...', flush=True)
# get base url from Workstation Data object
base_url = workstation_data['defaultEnvironment']['url']
# get headers from Workstation Data object
headers = workstation_data['defaultEnvironment']['headers']
# get cookies from Workstation Data object
cookies = workstation_data['defaultEnvironment']['cookies']
# prepare cookies for request
jar = RequestsCookieJar()
for c in cookies:
cookie_values = {'domain': '', 'path': '/'}
jar.set(cookie_values['name'], cookie_values['value'],
domain=cookie_values['domain'], path=cookie_values['path'])
except Exception as e:
print('Some error occurred while preparing data to get identity token:')
return None
# get identity token
r = requests.post(base_url + 'api/auth/identityToken', headers=headers, cookies=jar)
if r.ok:
# create connection to I-Server
return Connection(base_url, identity_token=r.headers['X-MSTR-IdentityToken'],
project_id=project_id, project_name=project_name)
print('HTTP %i - %s, Message %s' % (r.status_code, r.reason, r.text), flush=True)
return None
# get connection without selecting project
# conn = get_connection(workstationData)
# select project for connection
# conn.select_project(project_id = mstr_tutorial_id, project_name)
# get connection and select project (you can use id or name of project)
mstr_tutorial_id = 'B7CA92F04B9FAE8D941C3E9B7E0CD754'
mstr_tutorial_name = 'MicroStrategy Tutorial'
conn = get_connection(workstation_data=workstationData, project_id=mstr_tutorial_id)