MicroStrategy ONE

Using Microcharts widgets as selectors

The Grid/Graph that contains a Microcharts widget often consists of several attributes in the row headers and the elements of those attributes in the rows. You can enable these attributes and elements as selectors to allow analysts to select an attribute or element and view specific data related to it in other Grid/Graphs in the document.

When an analyst hovers the cursor over an attribute element that is enabled as a selector, it becomes a hand pointer to indicate that a link exists. When the link is clicked, all target Grid/Graphs on the Report Services (RS) dashboard are updated with a set of data related to the attribute element that was clicked. For example, if you click Southeast, all data related to the Southeast region is displayed in the target Grid/Graphs on the RS dashboard.

Each attribute element in the Grid/Graph that contains the widget, including the attribute names in the row headers, can act as a selector. When you click an attribute name displayed in a row header, all elements of that attribute are selected. This overrides the selection of any of the individual attribute elements. The background color of the attribute in the row header appears in gray to indicate that the attribute is selected.

  • Metric columns cannot be used as selectors.

  • When multiple attributes are set as selectors, the selections occur independently of each other.

You can also use the sparklines and bar charts in the widget as selectors by enabling a time-based attribute, such as Month, on the Grid/Graph as a selector. When you hover the cursor over a sparkline or bar chart, and then click a specific data point, all data related to that data point is displayed in all target Grid/Graphs and panel stacks in the document.

To use a widget as a selector, you first choose the target Grid/Graph and/or panel stack in MicroStrategy Developer. You can also do this in Design Mode or Editable Mode in MicroStrategy Web. For details and steps, Viewing data related to widgets: Using widgets as selectors.