MicroStrategy ONE

Labels for axes

The formatting options available for labels depend on the graph type, the axis selected, and other graph options such as the graph layout. Depending on these choices, you can configure a subset of the following options:

Labels for X Axis

  • Location of Labels: These options allow you to select the location of the labels for the X Axis.

  • Make This a Descending Axis: Displays the values and their associated risers and grid lines in a descending order. Values on the X Axis are taken from the rows and columns of cells in your data sheet. Axis value labels and risers are drawn in ascending or descending order depending on this selection.

  • Show the Axis Line on the Chart: Displays or hides the numeric axis base line.

  • Show Labels for This Axis: Displays or hides numeric axis labels. Labels on a numeric axis identify the range of data values that are being charted. Selecting this check box displays both maximum and minimum values, unless you use the following options:

  • Don't Show Maximum Value Label: Excludes the maximum value from a numeric axis.

  • Don't Show Minimum Value Label: Excludes the minimum value from a numeric axis.

  • Stagger Value Labels: Displays the labels in slightly different vertical positions on the X Axis in the graph for certain graph types when manual layout is used for the graph. This can provide more separation between the labels, and thus improve the readability of the labels.

Labels for Y1 and Y2 Axes

  • Location of Labels: These options allow you to select the location of the labels for the Y1 and Y2 Axis.

  • Make This a Descending Axis: Displays the values and their associated risers and grid lines in a descending order. Values on the X Axis are taken from the rows and columns of cells in your data sheet. Axis value labels and risers are drawn in ascending or descending order depending on this selection.

  • Show Labels for This Axis: shows or hides numeric axis labels. Labels on a numeric axis identify the range of data values that are being charted. If the risers in the graph are drawn vertically from bottom to top or from top to bottom, Y1 Axis labels are typically drawn on the left side of the graph. However, if the risers are drawn horizontally from left to right or from right to left, the Y1 Axis labels are typically drawn on the bottom of the graph. A secondary numeric axis is only available in Bi-Polar and Dual-Y graphs. Unless you change it, the numeric labels for this axis are displayed on the right side of a vertical graph or the top of a horizontal one. Selecting this check box displays both maximum and minimum values, unless youuse the following options:

  • Don't Show Maximum Value Label: Excludes the maximum value from a numeric axis.

  • Don't Show Minimum Value Label: Excludes the minimum value from a numeric axis.

Labels for Z Axis

  • Show Labels for This Axis: Displays or hides axis labels.

Labels for Category Axis

  • Location of Labels: These options allow you to select the location of the labels for the Y1 and Y2 Axis.

  • Value Axis Crosses Between Categories: Displays the series data points in the center of the category level. If this value is not selected, the data point is drawn on the left edge of the category label.

  • Draw Categories in Reverse Order: Allows you to select an option to reverse the order of categories displayed on the category axis. In Area, Column, and Line graphs, Category Axis labels are drawn from left to right at the bottom of the graph in the same order they are defined in the first row of your data sheet. In bar graphs, the categories are drawn from top to bottom on the left size of the graph in the same order they are defined in the first row of your data sheet. For example, assume that the first row of your data sheet includes the following labels: MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI. If you reverse the categories, the category labels would be listed in the reverse order: FRI, THU, WED, TUE, MON.

  • Show the Axis Line on the Chart: Displays or hides the numeric axis base line.

  • Show Labels for this Axis: Displays or hides axis labels. The Category Axis labels show how data in the graph is grouped or categorized. The Category Axis labels are taken from the information defined in the first row of your data sheet.

    If a manual layout is used for the graph, you can also configure the following options, depending on the graph type:

  • Automatic: Allows MicroStrategy to determine how to display the labels for the axis.

  • Stagger Labels: Displays the labels in slightly different vertical positions on the X Axis in the graph for certain graph types. This can provide more separation between the labels, and thus improve the readability of the labels.

  • Use Manual Number of Categories: Allows you to determine which labels to display for the axis. Labels are hidden except for the labels determined by the numeric value you provide. For example, using the default value of 1 displays every available label for the axis. However, typing a value of 2 displays only every other label for the axis, typing a value of 3 displays only every third label for the axis, and so on.

Labels for Series Axis

In the Numeric Axis Grids and Scales dialog box, select the following option in the Labels tab for the Series Axis:

  • Draw Series in Reverse Order: Allows you to select the option to reverse the order of series displayed on the Series Axis in the graph. For example, assume that the first column of your data sheet includes the following labels: MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI. If you reverse the series, the series labels are listed in the reverse order: FRI, THU, WED, TUE, MON.

  • Show Labels for this Axis: Displays or hides the axis labels.

    If a manual layout is used for the graph, you can also configure the following options, depending on the graph type:

  • Automatic: Allows MicroStrategy to determine how to display the labels for the axis.

  • Use Manual Number of Categories: Allows you to determine which labels to display for the axis. Labels are hidden except for the labels determined by the numeric value you provide. For example, using the default value of 1 displays every available label for the axis. However, typing a value of 2 displays only every other label for the axis, typing a value of 3 displays only every third label for the axis, and so on.