MicroStrategy ONE

Export to Excel dialog box

Use the Export to Excel dialog box to specify what to export to Excel. The options on this dialog box change depending on whether your document has groups or multiple layouts.

  • If your document contains multiple layouts, you can choose to export the entire document or only the current layout.

  • If your document is grouped, you can choose to export the entire document or only the selected group element to Excel. Page-by allows you to view the PDF by a selected group element. For more information, see Using page-by on a document.

  • To export the entire document, clear the Expand page-by check box.

  • To export only the selected group element, select the Expand page-by check box.

The data is then displayed in an Excel file, for further manipulation and use.

You can define how the document is exported before you export it. For example, if the document contains multiple layouts, you can choose whether all the layouts or only the current layout is exported. You can select the graph format and whether to embed images. For instructions, see Selecting Excel export options for documents.

Accessing the Export to Excel dialog box

In PDF View, select Export to Excel from the File menu.

This dialog box is not displayed if any of the following is true:

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