MicroStrategy ONE

Selecting PDF export options for documents

Steps to select PDF export options

Before you export a document to PDF, you can select whether to:

  • Export All layouts or just the Current layout of a multi-layout document. (If the document will be viewed on a Kindle or Nook, select All layoutsso that the Kindle or Nook user can see all the data.)

  • Export the entire document or only the selected group element, that is, whether to Expand page-by. For information on page-by and grouping, see Using page-by on a document and Grouping records in a document. (If the document will be viewed on a Kindle, select Expand page-by so that the Kindle user can see all the data.)

  • Prompt the user to choose what to export. The prompt allows the user to select whether to export all layouts or only the current layout, and whether to expand page-by.

  • If Prompt user on export is cleared, the layout and page-by settings described above are used.

  • If Prompt user on export is selected, but either of the following is true, the user is not prompted, and the layout and page-by settings described above are used:

    • The document has one layout and no grouping.

    • The document has one layout, is grouped, and the page-by selections are set to all.

  • Include bookmarks in the PDF.Bookmarks are generated for each element of each grouping field in the document, which creates a table of contents for the PDF. If the document is not grouped, no bookmarks are generated.

    If you include bookmarks, select the Show bookmarks in PDF check box, so that the bookmarks are displayed when the PDF is viewed. If the check box is cleared, the bookmarks can still be generated but they are not displayed automatically when the PDF opens.

  • Embed fonts in the PDF, which ensures that the original fonts selected in the Document Editor are used to display and print the PDF, even on machines that do not have the original fonts installed. For more information, such as the advantages of font embedding, see Embedding fonts in PDFs. (If the document will be viewed on a Nook or Kindle, select Embed fonts in the PDF, so that bullets, thresholds, and any other objects that require special fonts are displayed correctly. In addition, a Nook user can change the text font only if the fonts are embedded.)

  • Use bitmaps or vector graphs for graphs. Vector graphs (the default) are much smaller and provide better quality when the graphs are printed. Bitmaps allow you to use background patterns, rectangular gradients, and texture and picture background. For more details on vector vs. bitmaps, see Changing the graph resolution in PDFs.

    If you use bitmaps, you can select whether to Use draft quality, which determines whether bitmap graphs are generated using a lower resolution, thus reducing the size of the PDF. The quality of the graph images onscreen is generally not affected, but the quality of the printed graphs is impacted.

To select PDF export options for documents

This procedure affects the entire document, including all layouts of a multi-layout document. For more information on multi-layout documents, see Creating multi-layout documents.

  1. Open the document in the Document Editor. (How?)

  2. From the Format menu, select Document Properties. The Document Properties dialog box opens.

  3. Click Export.

  4. For a multi-layout document, select whether to Export:

    • All layouts, which exports all the layouts in the document

    • Current layout, which exports only the layout being viewed

  5. For a grouped document, select whether to export the entire document or only the selected group element:

    • To export the entire document, clear the Expand page-by check box.

    • To export only the selected group element, select the Expand page-by check box.

  6. Select whether to prompt the user to choose what to export:

    • To prompt the user, select the Prompt user on export check box.

      The Export to PDF dialog box is displayed when the document is exported to PDF. This dialog box allows the user to select whether to export all layouts or just the current layout of a multi-layout document, and whether to export the entire document or only the selected group element of a grouped document.

    If Prompt user on export is selected, but either of the following is true, the user is not prompted, and the Export and Expand page-by properties set above are used:

    • The document has one layout and no grouping.

    • The document has one layout, is grouped, and the page-by selections are set to all.

    • To disable prompting, clear the Prompt user on export check box.

    The Export and Expand page-by properties set above are used when the document is exported.

  7. Select whether to Include bookmarks in the PDF. Bookmarks are generated for each element of each grouping field in the document, creating a table of contents for the PDF. If the document is not grouped, no bookmarks are generated.

    If you include bookmarks, select the Show bookmarks in PDF check box, so that the bookmarks are displayed when the PDF is viewed. If the check box is cleared, the bookmarks can still be generated but they are not displayed automatically when the PDF opens.

  8. Select whether to Embed fonts in the PDF, which determines whether the original fonts chosen in the Document Editor are used to display and print the PDF, even on machines that do not have those fonts installed. This ensures the portability of the PDF.

    The fonts must be installed on the MicroStrategy Developer machine to ensure that the document is rendered correctly when creating and editing the document. The setting above ensures that if the fonts used in the document are available on the machine that generates the PDF, the fonts are embedded in the PDF. When you execute a document on MicroStrategy Developer, the PDF is generated by that client machine. When you execute a document on the MicroStrategy Web, the PDF is generated by the Intelligence Server machine.

  9. By default, graphs are generated using vector graphs, which are smaller than bitmaps and reduce the size of the PDF. They also improve the quality of printed graphs. Select the Use bitmaps for graphs check box to generate graphs using bitmaps instead.

    If you use bitmaps, you can select whether to Use draft quality, which determines whether bitmap graphs are generated using a lower resolution, thus reducing the size of the PDF. The quality of the graph images onscreen is generally not affected, but the quality of the printed graphs is impacted.

  10. Click OK to save your selections and return to the document.

  11. If the document is grouped, you can also specify PDF properties for each group. To do this, follow the steps below:

    • In the Grouping panel, right-click the grouping field and select Grouping Properties. The Grouping Properties dialog box opens.

    • To keep a page break from occurring with a group, select the Keep group together check box. If the group does not fit entirely on a page, it starts on a new page and any overflow prints on the following pages.

    • To insert a page break between groups, select the Page break between groups check box.

    • To restart page numbering at one for each new grouping field, select the Restart page numbering check box, which is available only if the Page break between groups check box is selected.

    • Click OK to return to the document.

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