MicroStrategy ONE

Report Options Dialog: Delivery

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You can determine which users, if any, can have the results of a report delivered to them on a schedule or delivered immediately by email.

Users for Subscriptions: Determine which users can subscribe to the report, if any. The options are:

  • Do not allow users to subscribe to this report: No users can subscribe to this report.
  • Allow all users to subscribe to this report (default): All users can subscribe to the report.
  • Only allow specific users to subscribe to this report: Only the users or user groups that you select can subscribe to the report. Under Who Has Access, select each user or user group, and whether permission to subscribe to the report is Granted or Denied. For detailed steps, see Determine Whether Users Can Subscribe to a Report or Document.

Click OK to apply your changes.

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Subscribe to Reports and Documents

Report Options Dialog Box

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