MicroStrategy ONE

Report Options Dialog: Advanced

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The MicroStrategy Mobile options on the Advanced tab of the Report Options dialog box include the following:

  • MicroStrategy Mobile Data View
    • Tabular Interactive: This option allows the widest number of report and document manipulations on the mobile device, but does not allow certain report formatting during the design process.
    • Original Layout: This option provides flexibility when designing reports and documents, but disables some of the Mobile user's functionality. The Original Layout allows you to sort on a grid, move objects to and from the page-by axis, rearrange rows on a grid, and rearrange columns on a grid.
    • Enable book-style page-by navigation: For reports with grouped data, this option determines whether to display the report on an iPad with MicroStrategy Mobile as a series of pages, with a separate page for each element in the page-by axis. For steps to group data in a report, see How to Group Data by Page: Page-By. This option is selected by default.
    • Enable zoom (Pinch and double-tap): Select this option to allow users to zoom in on an area of the report when the report is displayed on a mobile device with MicroStrategy Mobile.
    • Enable copy for grid cell: Select this option to allow users to copy the data from a cell in the report, when the report is displayed on an iPhone or iPad.
  • Schedules for Subscriptions
    • Do not allow this report to be scheduled: Select this option to prevent users from subscribing to the report and prevent the delivery of the report for existing subscriptions.
    • Allow users to subscribe to all schedules (default): Select this option to allow users to subscribe to the report using any schedule associated with the MicroStrategy project in which the report is stored.
    • Only allow users to subscribe to schedules in the list below: Select this option to specify the list of schedules users can select from when subscribing to the report. Schedules in the list on the right are available to users subscribing to the report. Select a schedule from the list on the left and click the Add icon Add icon to move it to the list on the right. Existing subscriptions that make use of schedules unavailable to users will not be delivered.

Related Topics

How to Group Data by Page: Page-By

Subscribe to Reports and Documents

Report Options Dialog Box

Report Options Dialog: General

Report Options Dialog: Formats

Report Options Dialog: Delivery