ACMCheckConnectionLog.ICheckConnectionLog |
ACMConsolidator<TDestination extends ACMDestination<TDestination>,​TTargetDestination extends ACMDestination.ACMTargetDestination<TDestination>> |
ACMConsolidator is an interface that the user of the ACMDistributer utility must implement
ACMDecisionLog.ICrossProjectCacheDecisionLog |
ACMDecisionLog.ICrossProjectDecisionLog |
ACMDecisionLog.ICrossProjectDecisionLog.ILoop |
ACMDecisionLog.IFenceCacheDecisionLog |
ACMDecisionLog.ILoginDecisionLog |
ACMDecisionLog.IProjectDecisionLog |
ACMDestination<TDestination extends ACMDestination<TDestination>> |
ACMDestination holds the information needed to direct the output to the intended destination.
ACMDestination.ACMTargetDestination<TDestination extends ACMDestination<TDestination>> |
ACMTargetDestination represents a specific IServer in a cluster.
ACMRefreshThreadLog.IRefreshThreadLog |
IRefreshThreadLog builds the logging output for the method
ACMResource<TResource> |
ACMResource provides the ability to check if an autocloseable object has been closed or not.
ACMSessionIdResolver.SessionIdInfo |
ACMSessionIdResolver.SSCMSessionTypeInfo<T extends IDSSXMLSessionId> |
AutoCloseableNoThrow |
EncryptionModeConfiguration |
EnumCubeManipulationStatus |
The interface EnumCubeManipulationStatus defines the enumeration constants
to specify the cube cache manipulation process status.
EnumDocSaveAsOption |
Interface to specify the value of prompt option while saving as Documents.
EnumDSSBindingTableObjectTypes |
EnumDSSBrowseReportFlags |
EnumDSSControlTargetType |
EnumDSSCreateWorkspaceResponseType |
EnumDSSCubeStates |
EnumDSSDataPreviewJSONFlags |
EnumDSSExportFormat |
EnumDSSExtendedType |
EnumDSSLDAPBatchImportStatus |
Interface to specify the status of LDAP batch import.
EnumDSSLDAPBatchImportStatusNames |
Defines LDAP batch import status.
EnumDSSLDAPConnPorts |
LDAP server connection ports.
EnumDSSLDAPSecureConnMethodNames |
Interface to specify LDAP connection methods.
EnumDSSLDAPVendorNames |
Interface to specify LDAP vendors.
EnumDSSLDAPVerificationMethodNames |
Interface to specify LDAP verification methods.
EnumDSSMDXDescendantsFlag |
MDX functions: bit mask for flags in Descendants/Ancestors function
EnumDSSRWDCacheStates |
EnumDSSSourceManipulationSchema |
EnumDSSXML3DConnGrpMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for 3D Connect Group chart.
EnumDSSXML3DConnSeriesMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for 3D Connect Series chart.
EnumDSSXML3DFloatMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for 3D Floating chart.
EnumDSSXML3DRiserMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for 3D Riser chart.
EnumDSSXML3DScatterMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for 3D Scatter chart.
EnumDSSXML3DSurfaceMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for 3D Surface chart.
EnumDSSXMLAccessEntryType |
EnumDSSXMLAccessRightFlags |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the access granted attribute of the DSS objects.
EnumDSSXMLAEAggregation |
The EnumDSSAEAggregation interface defines the
EnumDSSXMLAggregation |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to describe the way of aggregating values in a dimensionality unit.
EnumDSSXMLApplicationPriority |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the application priority supported by a printer device
EnumDSSXMLApplicationType |
Application type constants
EnumDSSXMLAreaShapes |
This enum defines the various shapes of the areas that represent a graph.
EnumDSSXMLAttributeDirection |
Specifies whether a relationship to an attribute applies to just the attribute, or also to nearby attributes.
EnumDSSXMLAttributeLockType |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
whether to lock an attribute (i.e.
EnumDSSXMLAuditUserFilter |
Possible values for the audit user filter.
EnumDSSXMLAuthModes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the authentication mode.
EnumDSSXMLAutoTextType |
Constants for auto text types
EnumDSSXMLAxesBitMap |
This enumeration contains values for the axes which are used when they are specified as bitwise values.
EnumDSSXMLAxisName |
This is the enumeration which contains values which correspond to the axes on a template.
EnumDSSXMLBaseFormType |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify semantics (as distinguished from data type)
of a base form of an attribute.
EnumDSSXMLBinaryContextDetailFlags |
This interface defines the enumeration used to specify addition information for binary result.
EnumDSSXMLBinaryContextFlags |
Result Flags for Binary Content.
EnumDSSXMLBoxPlotMinorTypes |
Minor graph types for BoxPlot chart.
EnumDSSXMLBubbleMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for Bubble chart.
EnumDSSXMLCacheAdminAction |
The interface EnumDSSXMLCacheAdminAction enumerates all the
constants describing cache administration action.
EnumDSSXMLCacheExpCommand |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify cache
expiration commands.
EnumDSSXMLCacheExpOptions |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify cache
expiration commands.
EnumDSSXMLCacheInfo |
The interface EnumDSSXMLCacheInfo enumerates a list of constants
decribing the information of cache in the Intelligence Server.
EnumDSSXMLCacheSetting |
Cache setting constants.
EnumDSSXMLCacheSwapPolicy |
Cache Swap Policy constants
EnumDSSXMLCacheType |
This interfae defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the type of cache a particular cache object represents
EnumDSSXMLChangeJournalCommandType |
EnumDSSXMLChannelType |
Channel Type constants
EnumDSSXMLCharacterEncoding |
Specifies the character encoding used for a DB connection
EnumDSSXMLClientTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the type of client application from which the user request is submitted.
EnumDSSXMLClusterMemberStatus |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the
status of a server that is a member of a cluster
EnumDSSXMLColumnClass |
This enumeration specifies the different classes of the columns axis which can have a width
EnumDSSXMLCombinationMinorTypes |
EnumDSSXMLCommandManagerScriptTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the type of DSS command manager script.
EnumDSSXMLConflictDomain |
This interface defines the enumeration of possible domains over which a merge conflict rule could operate.
EnumDSSXMLConflictResolution |
This interface defines the enumeration constants of possible ways to resolve a merge conflict.
EnumDSSXMLConnectionMode |
Connection Mode constandts.
EnumDSSXMLConnectionState |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the connection state of a connection in the connection pool.
EnumDSSXMLConnParam |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the default connection parameters for each server in a cluster.
EnumDSSXMLControlAttributeFormDisplayOption |
EnumDSSXMLControlElementSourceType |
EnumDSSXMLCreateFlags |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to when create project
EnumDSSXMLCubeCacheType |
Created by patelNeel on 05/13/2021.
EnumDSSXMLCubeInfo |
The interface EnumDSSXMLCacheInfo enumerates a list of constants
decribing the information of cache in the Intelligence Server.
EnumDSSXMLCubeRefreshType |
This interface defines the cube refresh type enumeration
EnumDSSXMLCurrentElementAction |
Constants for the Current Element Action parameter of the
Set Next Current Elemement manipulation.
EnumDSSXMLCurrentElementStatus |
An enumeration of the different statuses of the current element of a template unit.
EnumDSSXMLDatabaseType |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the database type.
EnumDSSXMLDatabaseVersion |
EnumDSSXMLDataImportConnectorTypes |
EnumDSSXMLDataLineType |
EnumDSSXMLDatasetServeMode |
This enumeration contains the different dataset server mode.
EnumDSSXMLDataSourceConnectionType |
Data Source Connection Type constants
EnumDSSXMLDataSourceFlags |
Data Source Flag constants
EnumDSSXMLDataSourceType |
Data Source Type constants
EnumDSSXMLDataType |
This enumeration contains the different data types for nodes in an expression.
EnumDSSXMLDayOfMonthBitEncoded |
Enumerates the days of the month in such a way that each
day can be represented as a single bit.
EnumDSSXMLDayOfWeek |
EnumDSSXMLDayOfWeekBitEncoded |
Enumerates the days of the week in such a way that each
day can be represented as a single bit.
EnumDSSXMLDBConnectionCacheOption |
Enumeration used to specify the degree to which the IServer
will attempt to reuse data for DB connections
EnumDSSXMLDBConnectionDriverMode |
Enumeration used to specify the DB API the connection
should use.
EnumDSSXMLDBConnectionExecutionMode |
Enumeration used to specify how the ODBC driver should execute.
EnumDSSXMLDBConnectionInfo |
The interface EnumDSSXMLDBConnectionInfo contains a list of
enumeration constants describing a Database connection information.
EnumDSSXMLDBConnectionMultiProcessOption |
Enumeration used to specify what concurrency mode the ODBC driver should run under.
EnumDSSXMLDBConnectionStatus |
The interface EnumDSSXMLDBConnectionStatus contains a list of enumeration
constants representing the status of a Database connection.
EnumDSSXMLDBRoleType |
The interface EnumDSSXMLDBRoleType contains a list of
enumeration constants describing a DB Role Type information.
EnumDSSXMLDecomposable |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the decomposable of a metric.
EnumDSSXMLDefaultFormats |
Control Default Format Type constants
EnumDSSXMLDerivedAttributeAction |
This is the enumeration which contains values which correspond to the action on a derived attribute.
EnumDSSXMLDerivedElementSaveAsFlags |
EnumDSSXMLDimtyUnitType |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the classification applied to dimensionality units of a metric dimensionality.
EnumDSSXMLDisplayMode |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the report display mode after execution.
EnumDSSXMLDocExecutionFlags |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the execution flags used to execute documents against the document server.
EnumDSSXMLDocExecutionFlagsExtension |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the execution flags extension used to execute documents against the document server.
EnumDSSXMLDocResultFlags |
The Result Flags constant control what parts of document information
will be generated by the I-Server and returned to the Web Application.
EnumDSSXMLDocSaveAsFlags |
Interface to specify the flags while saving Documents.
EnumDSSXMLDocumentUnitProperty |
this interface defines the enumeration constants of document unit properties
EnumDSSXMLDossierShortcutCacheInfoFlag |
EnumDSSXMLDossierShortcutInfoFlag |
EnumDSSXMLDrillImportance |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify a classification of how likely it is that a user will want to follow a drill path.
EnumDSSXMLDrillOption |
the enumeration drill optoin controls as to how the user wants to perform the drill.
EnumDSSXMLDrillQual |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the drill action with respect to metric qualification on the report filter.
EnumDSSXMLDrillType |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the type of transformation the drill action translates to.
EnumDSSXMLDrillUnitSource |
Enumeration constants to specify where the template unit for the drill action be obtained from.
EnumDSSXMLDynamicTime |
EnumDSSXMLElementType |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the nature of an element that appears on a result grid or in a sort definition.
EnumDSSXMLEmailContentEncodingTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the encoding type of email content
EnumDSSXMLEmailFormatTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the email format types
EnumDSSXMLEmailSensitivityTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the type of Email sensitivity
Specifies the different ER types for a relationship qualification.
EnumDSSXMLExecutionFlags |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the execution flags used to execute reports against the report server.
EnumDSSXMLExecutionFlagsExtension |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the execution flags extension used to execute reports against the report server.
EnumDSSXMLExportFormat |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the report result export format.
EnumDSSXMLExpressionType |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the expression type
of a node.
EnumDSSXMLExtendedType |
EnumDSSXMLExternalSourceFlags |
EnumDSSXMLExtnType |
This enumeration consists of ways of defining a dimensional extension of a fact to additional attributes.
EnumDSSXMLFeatureFlagStatus |
EnumDSSXMLFenceType |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the web fence type.
EnumDSSXMLFieldGroupDataLevel |
Field Group Data Level constants
EnumDSSXMLFiltering |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify methods of interaction between a dimensionality unit and the filter on a report definition.
EnumDSSXMLFilterType |
Enumeration of the different types of filters.
EnumDSSXMLFindDependentReturnFlags |
This Enumeration lists the return flags for find dependency
EnumDSSXMLFindDependentSearchFlags |
This Enumeration lists the search flags for find dependency
EnumDSSXMLFolderNames |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the
folder names internally defined in MicroStrategy 7.
EnumDSSXMLFolderType |
This enumeration describes the different types of folder which can be
EnumDSSXMLFontAlignTypes |
Enumeration constants for font alignment types.
EnumDSSXMLFontAntiAlias |
Enumeration constants for graph object font anti alias.
EnumDSSXMLFontStyles |
Enumeration constants for graph object font styles.
EnumDSSXMLFTPProtocol |
EnumDSSXMLFunction |
This enumeration is a list of possible functions for operator nodes in expressions.
EnumDSSXMLFunctionsFlags |
The enumeration for the flags used in the GetSystemFunctions call
EnumDSSXMLFunnelMinorTypes |
Minor graph types for Funnel chart.
EnumDSSXMLGanttMinorTypes |
Minor graph types for Gantt chart.
EnumDSSXMLGaugeMinorTypes |
Minor graph types for Gauge chart.
EnumDSSXMLGetClusterMembershipFlags |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the
information returned when doing cluster administration
EnumDSSXMLGetCubeQuotaAndInfosOption |
EnumDSSXMLGetElementsFlags |
Interface to specify the flags while getting elements.
EnumDSSXMLGetScheduleFlags |
Flags for getting schedules.
EnumDSSXMLGraphAttributeID |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the
attribute ID of each object in the graph.
EnumDSSXMLGraphGaugeBorderStyle |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the gauge border styles for Gauge chart.
EnumDSSXMLGraphGaugeNeedleStyle |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the gauge needle styles for Gauge chart.
EnumDSSXMLGraphGaugeStyle |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the gauge styles for Gauge chart.
EnumDSSXMLGraphImgTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the image type for graph reports.
EnumDSSXMLGraphMarkerShape |
EnumDSSXMLGraphObjectID |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the object
ID of each object in the graph.
EnumDSSXMLGraphRiserEmphasisType |
EnumDSSXMLHAreaMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for Horizontal Area chart.
EnumDSSXMLHBarMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for Horizontal Bar chart.
EnumDSSXMLHichertMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for Hichert graph.
EnumDSSXMLHiloStockMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for Hilo Stock chart.
EnumDSSXMLHistogramMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for Histogram chart.
EnumDSSXMLHLineMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for Horizontal Line chart.
EnumDssXmlHyperCardStatus |
EnumDSSXMLInboxDeleteFlags |
EnumDSSXMLInboxFlags |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the flags for retrieving or removing inbox messages.
EnumDSSXMLInitRepositoryModes |
This interface enumerates the different modes that could be used to [1] create a repository, [2] initialize IServer to start using a repository or [3] query if a repository exists.
EnumDSSXMLIServerPlatforms |
Defines IServer platforms.
EnumDSSXMLJobInfo |
The interface EnumDSSXMLJobInfo contains a list of enumeration
constants describing the information of a job in the Intelligence Server.
EnumDSSXMLJobStatus |
The interface EnumDSSXMLJobStatus defines the enumeration constants
to specify the job execution status.
EnumDSSXMLJobType |
EnumDSSXMLJoinType |
Methods of making a join for a dimensional extension.
EnumDSSXMLKeepIndependent |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the interaction of metric qualifications and the user filter when drilling.
EnumDSSXMLKeepSort |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
how to treat Sorts defined in the original unit when performing drilling.
EnumDSSXMLLDAPCallConvention |
LDAP call conversion constants
EnumDSSXMLLDAPEmailAddress |
LDAP Import constants
EnumDSSXMLLDAPNTAuthentication |
EnumDSSXMLLDAPPlatform |
LDAP platform constants
EnumDSSXMLLDAPServerSecureConnection |
LDAP Server Secure Connection constants
EnumDSSXMLLDAPSimpleSecurityPlugin |
EnumDSSXMLLDAPStringCoding |
LDAP String Coding constants
LDAP Synch constants
LDAP Vendor constants
EnumDSSXMLLDAPVerification |
LDAP Version constants
EnumDSSXMLLegendLock |
Enumeration constants for graph legend position.
EnumDSSXMLLevelFlags |
The interface EnumDSSXMLLevelFlags contains a list of enumeration
constants representing the level of monitoring.
EnumDSSXMLLicenseComplianceCategory |
Specifies the license compliance categories that information can be gathered for from the
Intelligence Server.
EnumDSSXMLLicenseScheme |
License Scheme constants
EnumDSSXMLLicenseStatus |
This enumeration tells the different types of status returned from the GetLicensingInfo XMLAPI call.
EnumDSSXMLLicenseType |
License Type constants
EnumDSSXMLLinePattern |
Enumeration constants for graph line pattern.
EnumDSSXMLLocaleFlags |
EnumDSSXMLLockQuery |
The interface EnumDSSXMLLockQuery enumerates the constants
describing the object lock information.
EnumDSSXMLLockState |
The interface EnumDSSXMLLockState enumerates the constants
describing the state of an object lock.
EnumDSSXMLMajorGraphTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the major graph types.
EnumDSSXMLManipulationType |
List of manipulation types which can come about from a report manipulation.
EnumDSSXMLMDUpdateCommands |
This enumeration specifies the commands that can be used
when invoking the WebMDUpdateSource#update(int) method.
EnumDSSXMLMDUpdateFlags |
This enumerations specifies flags that will be used by the XML API for the MDUpdate
EnumDSSXMLMDVersion |
Metadata version constants
EnumDSSXMLMessageDuplicationMode |
This interface defines message duplication options such as
whether the duplicate should be placed in the inbox/history list
or the working set.
EnumDSSXMLMessageStatus |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the inbox message status.
EnumDSSXMLMessageTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the inbox message types.
EnumDSSXMLMetricEditType |
Metric Edit Type for editing existing Metric object.
EnumDSSXMLMetricFormulaType |
Metric formula type for the Add Transformation Metric manipulation.
EnumDSSXMLMetricType |
Classification of a DSS Metric object as a usual metric or a subtotal.
EnumDSSXMLMonitorFilterOperator |
The interface EnumDSSXMLMonitorFilterOperator contains a list of
enumeration constants representing filter operators in monitoring.
EnumDSSXMLMonitorType |
This interface enumerates the different types of monitors.
EnumDSSXMLMonth |
EnumDSSXMLNCSAllowChangeMaskType |
EnumDSSXMLNCSContactSourceField |
EnumDSSXMLNCSEmailDestinationType |
EnumDSSXMLNCSFilterField |
EnumDSSXMLNCSFilterType |
EnumDSSXMLNCSInstanceSourceField |
Specify the information returned for current user's or specified user's subscriptions.
EnumDSSXMLNCSOrderByContactField |
EnumDSSXMLNCSQualifierType |
EnumDSSXMLNCSSubscriptionType |
EnumDSSXMLNetProtocol |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the
protocol used between clustered servers
EnumDSSXMLNodeDimty |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the meaning of the 'Dimensionality' property on a node.
EnumDSSXMLNodeState |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the state of the MicroStrategy Intelligent Server.
EnumDSSXMLNodeType |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the classification applied to nodes in an expression tree.
EnumDSSXMLNotificationDataID |
Enumeration used to set and retrieve Notification data from a project settings collection
EnumDSSXMLNotificationModuleID |
Used to retrieve Notification settings from a project.
EnumDSSXMLObjectFlags |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the bits of object information included in the returning XML for object browsing.
EnumDSSXMLObjectLockCommands |
The interface EnumDSSXMLObjectLockCommands enumerates the constants
representing object lock commands.
EnumDSSXMLObjectLockFlags |
The interface EnumDSSXMLObjectLockFlags enumerates the constants
describing the object lock types.
EnumDSSXMLObjectQuality |
EnumDSSXMLObjectSearchStatus |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the search status for object searching.
EnumDSSXMLObjectState |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
various states about an object (The type and ID are always available when loading the object).
EnumDSSXMLObjectSubTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the DSS object DSS sub-types, which reveals more information than the DSS object types.
EnumDSSXMLObjectTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the type of DSS objects.
EnumDSSXMLObjectXMLFlags |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the return format type of getting object.
EnumDSSXMLOrder |
The interface EnumDSSXMLOrder contains a list of enumeration
constants representing the order of sorting.
EnumDSSXMLOrderParentFirst |
Used by the "Sort" manipulation, for custom group sorting (sorts of type
DssSortTypeCustomGroupDefault), to specify, as a property of the sort object,
whether the parent elements should be placed before or after the related child elements.
EnumDSSXMLOuterJoinTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the outer join types of a metric.
EnumDSSXMLParetoMinorTypes |
EnumDSSXMLParserActionFlags |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the parser actions.
EnumDSSXMLParserOutFlags |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to indicate the output of the parser.
EnumDSSXMLParserResultFlags |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the parser results.
EnumDSSXMLPartialType |
An enumeration of the types of partial relationships (full-to-partial etc.).
EnumDSSXMLPerformanceMonitorFlags |
EnumDSSXMLPieMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for Pie chart.
EnumDSSXMLPolarMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for Polar chart.
EnumDSSXMLPrintLocationType |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the print location type
EnumDSSXMLPrintOddEvenPages |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the print preference as odd or even pages
EnumDSSXMLPrivilegeCategoryTypes |
EnumDSSXMLPrivilegeTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the DSS privilege types.
EnumDSSXMLPrivilegeUpdateTypes |
EnumDSSXMLProductLicenseStatus |
This interface enumerates the different statuses that a product's license
can have.
EnumDSSXMLProjectActions |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to perform
actions on projects
EnumDSSXMLProjectConfigurationSettingType |
Enumeration used to retrieve the different types of project settings from a project
EnumDSSXMLProjectLoadOption |
Project Load Option constants
EnumDSSXMLProjectStatus |
This enumeration describes the different statuses which a project on an Intelligence Server
can have.
EnumDSSXMLPromptAnswerReuse |
The enumeration EnumDSSXMLPromptAnswerReuse affects the behavior
of the answer when it is used.
EnumDSSXMLPromptReuse |
Strategies that can be followed by resolution server when answering a prompt
EnumDSSXMLPromptType |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the prompt type.
EnumDSSXMLPropertyFlags |
Property Flags for getting and setting properties.
EnumDSSXMLPropertyGroupTypes |
Bit vector used to identify which property groups support each property.
EnumDSSXMLPropertyXmlFlags |
EnumDSSXMLPurgeFlag |
The interface EnumDSSXMLPurgeFlag enumerates the constants
representing the caches to be purged.
EnumDSSXMLQualities |
Used to record reference qualities by lean object reference classes.
EnumDSSXMLQuickSearchCommands |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the commands that qui
EnumDSSXMLRadarMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for Radar chart.
EnumDSSXMLRecipientFieldTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the recipient field
EnumDSSXmlReportCacheDisableOptions |
EnumDSSXMLReportCacheStatus |
The interface EnumDSSXMLReportCacheStatus enumerates all the
constants used to describe the cache status.
EnumDSSXMLReportCacheType |
The interface EnumDSSXMLReportCacheType enumerates all the
constants representing the cache types.
EnumDSSXMLReportFilter |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
what to do with the current report filter on a report instance in drilling.
EnumDSSXMLReportManipulationMethod |
Methods of report manipulations that can be applied through RebuildReportEx() method.
EnumDSSXMLReportObjects |
An enumeration of the different report objects which can have properties associated with them.
EnumDSSXMLReportSaveAsFlags |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the options for report saving.
EnumDssXMLReportState |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the varios bits in the
state of the report instance.
EnumDSSXMLReportTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the type of report.
EnumDSSXMLRequestTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the type of the user request for inbox messages.
EnumDSSXMLResult2Flags |
This enumeration contains a second set of result flags, used as part of the
extendable_parameter argument to IDSSXMLReportServer.GetExecutionResultsEx.
EnumDSSXMLResult3Flags |
EnumDSSXMLResultFlags |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the flags for retrieving report execution results.
EnumDSSXMLRWControlActionType |
EnumDSSXMLRWControlFilterType |
This enumeration defines the constants for the filter types of a RW control.
EnumDSSXMLRWControlSubsequentAction |
EnumDSSXMLRWControlType |
RW tree type constants
EnumDSSXMLRWDCacheAdminAction |
EnumDSSXMLRWDCacheInfo |
EnumDSSXMLRWDCacheOptions |
Values used to enable different cache types for RWD
EnumDSSXMLRWEaseCreationFlags |
EnumDSSXMLRWExportFlags |
EnumDSSXMLRWFieldType |
RW document field type constants
EnumDSSXMLRWGroupByUnitType |
RW tree type constants
EnumDSSXMLRWLinkType |
RW Link Type constants
EnumDSSXMLRWManipulationCategory |
RW manipulation category
EnumDSSXMLRWManipulationMethod |
RW manipulation method constants
EnumDSSXMLRWNodeTransactionChangeType |
EnumDSSXMLRWNodeType |
RW node type constants
EnumDSSXMLRWOptions |
RW option constants
EnumDSSXMLRWPageByStyle |
RW page by style constants
EnumDSSXMLRWPreLoadPanelState |
Options for pre-loading panel stacks
EnumDSSXMLRWSectionType |
RW section type constants
EnumDSSXMLRWSelectorUnsetStatus |
EnumDSSXMLRWTemplateNodeOrigin |
EnumDSSXMLRWTreeType |
RW tree type constants
EnumDSSXMLScaleTypes |
Enumeration constants for graph axis scale types.
EnumDSSXMLScatterMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for Scatter chart.
EnumDSSXMLScheduleCommands |
Defines the types of schedule command available.
EnumDSSXMLScheduleFilterFlags |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify schedule filter options.
EnumDSSXMLScheduleParameterSpecialValue |
Defines special values of schedule command parameters.
EnumDSSXMLScheduleParameterTypes |
Defines the types of schedule command parameters.
EnumDSSXMLScheduleTriggerType |
Defines the types of schedule trigger available.
EnumDSSXMLSearchDomain |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the search domains.
EnumDSSXMLSearchFlags |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the miscellaneous flags used to control nature of a search for DSS Objects.
EnumDSSXMLSearchScope |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the search scope.
EnumDSSXMLSearchTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify searchType used to control BI Search.
EnumDSSXMLSearchUnit |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the unit of time when searching for objects using a time based restriction.
EnumDSSXMLSectionElementType |
EnumDSSXMLSectionTreeType |
EnumDSSXMLServerCommand |
This enum file defines the server commands used to create the scheduled maintenance.
EnumDSSXMLServerDefManipulationMethod |
Server definition manipulation method constants
EnumDSSXMLServerHLRepositoryType |
This interface enumerates the server history list repository type EnumDSSXMLServerSettingID.DssXmlServerHLRepositoryType .
EnumDSSXmlServerProjectReportCacheDBMatchingFlag |
EnumDSSXMLServerProjectSettingID |
Server project setting IDs
EnumDSSXMLServerSettingID |
Server setting IDs.
EnumDSSXMLSessionFlags |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the session flags about how to manage Inbox in 3-tier or 4-tier mode.
EnumDSSXMLShapeType |
EnumDSSXMLShowAxis |
EnumDSSXMLSortType |
Enumeration containing the options for the technique used by sort-key to collate rows of data.
EnumDSSXMLSourceFeatures |
EnumDSSXMLSourceFlags |
EnumDSSXMLSourceManipulationCommands |
The EnumDSSXMLSourceManipulationCommands interface enumerates all
the different source manipulation XML commands.
EnumDSSXMLSourceManipulatorFlags |
EnumDSSXMLSourceManipulatorInheritACL |
EnumDSSXMLSourcesInfoFlags |
EnumDSSXMLSourcesInfoTypes |
EnumDSSXMLSpecialScheduleTriggerID |
The enumeration for the Function SQLType values.
EnumDSSXMLStatisticDataID |
Enumerations used to retrieve statistics settings from a project reference
EnumDSSXMLStatisticModuleID |
Enumeration used to specify a module from the project configuration
settings for statistics
EnumDSSXMLStatisticTableID |
EnumDSSXMLStatus |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the report or document execution status.
EnumDSSXMLStepTypes |
Enumeration constants for graph axis step types.
EnumDSSXMLSubscriptionContactType |
EnumDSSXMLSubscriptionDeliveryType |
EnumDSSXMLSubscriptionMobileClientType |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the
client types for mobile subscriptions
EnumDSSXMLSubscriptionPersonalViewMode |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the different modes for a personal view subscription (private or public)
EnumDSSXMLSubtotalsPosition |
Places to which a sort-key could collate a subtotal element.
EnumDSSXMLSubtotalStyle |
Style for subtotals on an axis of a template.
EnumDSSXMLSupportedFormatTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the supported format types by a device
EnumDSSXMLSymbol |
A list of symbols used in thresholds.
EnumDSSXMLSystemLinks |
EnumDSSXMLTableExtraInformation |
EnumDSSXMLTableStateExecutionAction |
This interface defines the table state execution action enumeration
EnumDSSXMLTemplateSubtotalType |
Types of subtotals that can be defined for a template
EnumDSSXMLTemplateUnitType |
An enumeration of the template unit types.
EnumDSSXMLThresholdScope |
EnumDSSXMLTimeOccurrenceType |
Defines the types of recurrence that a time could have
EnumDSSXMLTokenLevels |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the level of tokens.
EnumDSSXMLTokenSectionTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the section type of tokens.
EnumDSSXMLTokenStates |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the state of tokens.
EnumDSSXMLTokenTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the type of tokens.
EnumDSSXMLTransactionAction |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify the action applied to the transaction threshold target.
EnumDSSXMLTransactionType |
Transaction type constants
EnumDSSXMLTriggerOptions |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify schedule triggering options.
EnumDSSXMLTrustWebServerStatus |
EnumDSSXMLUnitConditionFlag |
EnumDSSXMLUnitTransactionFlags |
EnumDSSXMLUpdateTransactionDataType |
Enumeration to specify the type of Update Transaction
EnumDSSXMLUserAccountServiceMethod |
EnumDSSXMLUserAnswerCommands |
The EnumDSSXMLUserAnswerCommands enumeration is used to load, save and remove
user prompt answers which is pertinent to a prompt question obtained from running a report
or document.
EnumDSSXMLUserConnectionInfo |
The interface EnumDSSXMLUserConnectionInfo contains a list of
enumeration constants describing a user connection information.
EnumDSSXMLUserFilter |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the options how the report server uses the user's filter in drilling.
EnumDSSXMLValidationLevel |
This enumeration class describes the level of validation for a requested
manipulation as evaluated by the report services component.
EnumDSSXMLVAreaMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for Vertical Area chart.
EnumDSSXMLVBarMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for Vertical Bar chart.
EnumDSSXMLViewMedia |
Deprecated. |
EnumDSSXMLVLineMinorTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the minor graph types for Vertical Line chart.
EnumDSSXMLWidthScenario |
Width scenario for grid columns and rows.
EnumFillColorEffects |
EnumJSONContextFlags |
Result Flags for JSON Content.
EnumSystemInfoOption |
Interface to specify the value of system info option while fetching information from I-Server
EnumWebApiResultMode |
Created by kezhou on 9/13/2017.
IContentConsumer |
This interface represents a consumer of data from input stream.
IDSSXMLAdmin is an interface used for Web API administration purposes.
IDSSXMLAppSchemaServer |
IDSSXMLCluster |
IDSSXMLClusterAdmin |
This interface provides the functionality for an application to manage
a cluster of Intelligence Servers.
IDSSXMLClusterNode |
This interface contains a set of properties of a cluster node (an Intelligence Server).
IDSSXMLClusterNodeInfo |
IDSSXMLClusters |
This is a collection of IDSSXMLCluster interfaces.
IDSSXMLConfigServer |
This interface contains methods relating to configuration-related
operations on the Intelligence Server.
IDSSXMLDocumentServer |
This interface provides the functionality for applications to execute and manipulate a document.
IDSSXMLElementServer |
The ElementServer interface retrieves elements from the Intelligence Server.
IDSSXMLEncryptor |
This object exposes an API for encryption.
IDSSXMLFileLoader |
This class handles the loading of images (usually graphs) from the Intelligence Server.
This interface provides access to the messaging functionality of the Intelligence Server.
This interface contains methods relating to cube and cube object browsing.
IDSSXMLObjectServer |
Provides the interface for an application to retrieve objects by object ID or search criteria.
IDSSXMLObjectServer.StringFormatAndErrorData |
IDSSXMLOneTierServer |
IDSSXMLPerfCounterServer |
This interface allows the user to access the performance counter functionality of the
Intelligence Server.
IDSSXMLProjectInfo |
IDSSXMLReportServer |
This interface provides the functionality for an application to execute a report by report ID, filter/template ID
and report definition.
IDSSXMLScheduleServer |
The IDSSXMLScheduleServer interface is used to schedule, unschedule, and view the schedules of reports,
documents, or cache expirations.
IDSSXMLServerAdmin |
Interface for server administration related operation.
IDSSXMLServerSession |
This is the interface for the ServerSession object.
IDSSXMLSessionId |
IDSSXMLSessionId is the object version of the sessionID.
IDSSXMLSessionId.IConfigSessionId |
IConfigSessionId is a configuration session id (ConfigSessionId)
IDSSXMLSessionId.IMasterSessionId |
IMasterSessionId is a master session id (MasterSessionId)
IDSSXMLSessionId.IProjectSessionId |
IProjectSessionId is a project session id (ProjectSessionId)
IDSSXMLSubscriptionServer |
This interface provides all the functionality related to subscriptions in the XML API layer.
IDSSXMLUserPrivilege |
This interface is used to access a list of user privileges for an Intelligence Server user in an easy way.
IDSSXMLUserProjectPrivilege |
This interface is used to access a list of user privileges for an Intelligence Server user in an easy way.
IResultsAsStream |
ServerInfo |