Interface IDSSXMLScheduleServer

  • public interface IDSSXMLScheduleServer
    The IDSSXMLScheduleServer interface is used to schedule, unschedule, and view the schedules of reports, documents, or cache expirations.
    MicroStrategy Web 7.3.1 or earlier
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void deleteScheduledMaintenance​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String id, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String userID, java.lang.String u, WebProject project, java.lang.String triggerID, int cmdID, boolean mobile, java.lang.String timeAndPara)
      This method is to delete an existing scheduled maintenance.
      java.lang.String GetScheduleDetail​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String scheduleXML)
      This method returns the detail of a schedule defined by the ScheduleXML passed in.
      java.lang.String getScheduledMaintenance​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String userID, java.lang.String projectID, java.lang.String triggerID, java.lang.String contentID, int flag, int sff)
      This method retrieves existing scheduled maintenances.
      java.lang.String GetSchedules​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String filterXML, int blockBegin, int blockCount)
      This method retrieves existing schedules.
      java.lang.String GetSchedules2​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String filterXML, int flags, int blockBegin, int blockCount)
      This method retrieves existing schedules while passing a flag parameter.
      java.lang.String GetTriggerByTimePattern​(java.lang.String sessionID, int options, boolean includeExpired, int monthValue, int monthRecurrence, int weekValue, int weekRecurrence, int dayValue, int dayRecurrence, int dayOfWeekValue, int dayOfWeekRecurrence, int hourValue, int hourRecurrence)
      This method return platform hidden time-based triggers defined in MD by the trigger time definition
      java.lang.String GetTriggers​(java.lang.String sessionID, int options)
      This method returns a list of triggers that can be used for scheduling purposes.
      java.lang.String GetTriggers​(java.lang.String sessionID, int options, boolean includeExpired)
      This method returns a lit of triggers defined in the MD, with an option to include Expired triggers
      java.lang.String GetTriggers​(java.lang.String sessionID, int options, boolean includeExpired, java.lang.String id, int type, java.lang.String projectId)
      This method returns a lit of triggers defined in the MD, with an option to include Expired triggers
      void saveScheduledMaintenance​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String userID, java.lang.String u, WebProject project, java.lang.String triggerID, int cmdID, boolean mobile, java.lang.String timeAndPara)
      This method is to create a new scheduled maintenance.
      void Schedule​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String scheduleXML)
      This method creates the schedule(s) defined by the ScheduleXML.
      java.lang.String ScheduleNow​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String user_id, java.lang.String u, int cmd_id, boolean is_mobile, java.lang.String xmlParameters)
      This method is to create an instantaneous Schedule.
      void Unschedule​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String scheduleXML)
      This method deletes the schedule(s) defined by the ScheduleXML.
    • Method Detail

      • GetScheduleDetail

        java.lang.String GetScheduleDetail​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                           java.lang.String scheduleXML)
                                    throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method returns the detail of a schedule defined by the ScheduleXML passed in.
        sessionID - A valid Session ID.
        scheduleXML - An XML definition of a schedule.
        A schedule XML string with detailed information (including personalization)
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • GetSchedules

        java.lang.String GetSchedules​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                      java.lang.String filterXML,
                                      int blockBegin,
                                      int blockCount)
                               throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method retrieves existing schedules. The schedules to be retrieved are restricted by the FilterXML parameter.
        sessionID - A valid session ID.
        filterXML - The filtering condition for the schedules to be retrieved in XML format.
        blockBegin - Defines the beginning of the schedule list being returned. This is used for incremental fetch.
        blockCount - Defines the number of items in the schedule list to return. This is used for incremental fetch.
        An XML string which contains the schedule definitions requested.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • GetTriggers

        java.lang.String GetTriggers​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                     int options)
                              throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method returns a list of triggers that can be used for scheduling purposes.
        sessionID - A valid Session ID.
        options - Options to control the final result. This value comes from EnumDSSXMLTriggerOptions.
        An XML String corresponding to the list of triggers.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • GetTriggers

        java.lang.String GetTriggers​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                     int options,
                                     boolean includeExpired)
                              throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method returns a lit of triggers defined in the MD, with an option to include Expired triggers
        sessionID - A valid Session ID.
        options - Options to control the final result. This value comes from EnumDSSXMLTriggerOptions.
        includeExpired - Boolean to include expired triggers.
        An XML String corresponding to the list of triggers.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • GetTriggers

        java.lang.String GetTriggers​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                     int options,
                                     boolean includeExpired,
                                     java.lang.String id,
                                     int type,
                                     java.lang.String projectId)
                              throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method returns a lit of triggers defined in the MD, with an option to include Expired triggers
        sessionID - A valid Session ID.
        options - Options to control the final result. This value comes from EnumDSSXMLTriggerOptions.
        includeExpired - Boolean to include expired triggers.
        id - Object id for the target
        type - Object type for the target
        id - project id
        An XML String corresponding to the list of triggers.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • GetTriggerByTimePattern

        java.lang.String GetTriggerByTimePattern​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                                 int options,
                                                 boolean includeExpired,
                                                 int monthValue,
                                                 int monthRecurrence,
                                                 int weekValue,
                                                 int weekRecurrence,
                                                 int dayValue,
                                                 int dayRecurrence,
                                                 int dayOfWeekValue,
                                                 int dayOfWeekRecurrence,
                                                 int hourValue,
                                                 int hourRecurrence)
                                          throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method return platform hidden time-based triggers defined in MD by the trigger time definition
        sessionID - A valid session ID
        options - Options to control the final result. This value comes from EnumDSSXMLTriggerOptions.
        includeExpired - Boolean to include expired triggers.
        monthValue - Month value of trigger definition
        monthRecurrence - Month recurrence type of trigger definition. This value comes form EnumDSSXMLTimeOccurrenceType.
        weekValue - Week value of trigger definition
        weekRecurrence - Week recurrence type of trigger definition. This value comes form EnumDSSXMLTimeOccurrenceType.
        dayValue - Day value of trigger definition
        dayRecurrence - Day recurrence type of trigger definition. This value comes form EnumDSSXMLTimeOccurrenceType.
        dayOfWeekValue - Day Of Week value of trigger definition
        dayOfWeekRecurrence - Day Of Week recurrence type of trigger definition. This value comes form EnumDSSXMLTimeOccurrenceType.
        hourValue - Hour value of trigger definition
        hourRecurrence - Hour recurrence type of trigger definition. This value comes form EnumDSSXMLTimeOccurrenceType.
      • Schedule

        void Schedule​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                      java.lang.String scheduleXML)
               throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method creates the schedule(s) defined by the ScheduleXML.
        sessionID - A valid session ID.
        scheduleXML - Definition of the schedule to be added in XML format.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • Unschedule

        void Unschedule​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                        java.lang.String scheduleXML)
                 throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method deletes the schedule(s) defined by the ScheduleXML.
        sessionID - A valid session ID.
        scheduleXML - Definition of the schedule to be removed in XML format. To unschedule a request, a user does not have to pass all the information passed while scheduling the request. He only needs to pass what the GetSchedules request returns. For example, in the case of a report schedule, we don't need the personalization info to delete the schedule (personalization is not returned by the GetSchedules call).
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • GetSchedules2

        java.lang.String GetSchedules2​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                       java.lang.String filterXML,
                                       int flags,
                                       int blockBegin,
                                       int blockCount)
                                throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method retrieves existing schedules while passing a flag parameter. The schedules to be retrieved are restricted by the FilterXML parameter.
        sessionID - A valid session ID.
        filterXML - The filtering condition for the schedules to be retrieved in XML format.
        flags - The flags to use when obtaining schedule details, from EnumDSSXMLGetScheduleFlags.
        blockBegin - Defines the beginning of the schedule list being returned. This is used for incremental fetch.
        blockCount - Defines the number of items in the schedule list to return. This is used for incremental fetch.
        An XML string which contains the schedule definitions requested.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • getScheduledMaintenance

        java.lang.String getScheduledMaintenance​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                                 java.lang.String userID,
                                                 java.lang.String projectID,
                                                 java.lang.String triggerID,
                                                 java.lang.String contentID,
                                                 int flag,
                                                 int sff)
                                          throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method retrieves existing scheduled maintenances. The schedule maintenances to be retrieved are restricted by the FilterXML parameter.
        flag - comes from EnumDSSXMLGetScheduleFlags
        sff - comes from EnumDSSXMLScheduleFilterFlags
        A schedule XML string with detailed information (including personalization)
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • saveScheduledMaintenance

        void saveScheduledMaintenance​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                      java.lang.String userID,
                                      java.lang.String u,
                                      WebProject project,
                                      java.lang.String triggerID,
                                      int cmdID,
                                      boolean mobile,
                                      java.lang.String timeAndPara)
                               throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is to create a new scheduled maintenance.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • deleteScheduledMaintenance

        void deleteScheduledMaintenance​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                        java.lang.String id,
                                        java.lang.String name,
                                        java.lang.String userID,
                                        java.lang.String u,
                                        WebProject project,
                                        java.lang.String triggerID,
                                        int cmdID,
                                        boolean mobile,
                                        java.lang.String timeAndPara)
                                 throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is to delete an existing scheduled maintenance.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • ScheduleNow

        java.lang.String ScheduleNow​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                     java.lang.String user_id,
                                     java.lang.String u,
                                     int cmd_id,
                                     boolean is_mobile,
                                     java.lang.String xmlParameters)
                              throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is to create an instantaneous Schedule. Currently only support LDAPImport
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.