Interface ACMDestination<TDestination extends ACMDestination<TDestination>>

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    ACMDestination.SessionDestination, ACMDestination.SessionlessDestination, ACMDestination.SessionlessTargetDestination, ACMDestination.SessionTargetDestination

    public interface ACMDestination<TDestination extends ACMDestination<TDestination>>
    ACMDestination holds the information needed to direct the output to the intended destination. If a session to an IServer is being used, then the Destination will hold the SessionID needed to make the proper call to IServer. If a sessionless call is being used, then the Destination will hold the IServer connectivity (Machine Name/IP Address and port).

    The ACMDestination is used in two modes (1) Cluster, and (2) Target.
    The Cluster mode (see ACMDestination) represents the session/sessionless cluster. There isn't connectivity information, rather there are references to the cluster, like a representative IServer in the Cluster or a ClusterName.
    The Target mode (seeACMTargetDestination) represents a specific IServer. Thus, full connectivity information is required. The Target mode is used to send each XML API call to a specific IServer.