AddressListBean |
The AddressListBean is responsible for displaying and managing
the user's address list.
AnnotationBean |
The AnnotationBean is used to editing, updating or adding an annotation to a report or document.
AppSchemaBean |
AssociatedSchedulesBean |
AttributeBean |
This bean is used for browsing attribute elements.
BeanContext |
BeanProxy |
This interface lists the IDs for the events and the IDs for the corresponding arguments
for the events supported by the ExpressionBean .
ConstantPromptBean |
Interface for the Constant Prompt Bean.
CustomGroupBean |
DataExplorerBean |
The DataExplorerBean is intended to support data explorer
DerivedElementBean |
This bean represents a single Derived Element
DerivedElementBean.Host |
Represents this bean's host
DimtyPromptBean |
Interface of the Dimty Prompt Bean.
DocumentBean |
This interface is used to manage the collection of document data and enable it to be
EditableBean |
This interface reprents a kind of beans which can be edited.
EditableObjectBean |
This interface represents an editable object bean.
ElementPromptBean |
Interface for the Element Prompt Bean.
EncodedMarkupOutput |
This object is used to perform everything MakrupOuptput is supposed to do but with js encoding performed
upon appending a string.
EnumAddressListBeanEvents |
This interface defines all the event IDs and event arguments for the
AddressListBean .
EnumAnnotationBeanEvents |
EnumAssociatedSchedulesBeanEvents |
EnumAttributeBeanEvents |
EnumBeanErrorCodes |
This interface defines error codes for SubscriptionBean and
EnumBeanOutputFormat |
Possible values for bean output format
EnumBeanPersistMode |
Possible values for bean persistence mode
EnumCustomGroupBeanEvents |
EnumDataExplorerBeanEvents |
EnumDerivedElementBeanEvents |
This interface lists the IDs for the events and the IDs for the corresponding arguments
for the events supported by the ExpressionBean .
EnumDimensionalityLevel |
This enumeration corresponds to the GUI options for the dimensionality level of expressions.
EnumDocumentBeanEvents |
Constants for document bean events
EnumEditableObjectBeanEvents |
Constants for editable objects bean events
EnumEventElement |
EnumEventHandlerTypes |
The EnumEventHandlerTypes interface lists the types of event
handlers supported in the SDK layer.
EnumExpressionBeanEvents |
This interface lists the IDs for the events and the IDs for the corresponding arguments
for the events supported by the ExpressionBean .
EnumExpressionBeanType |
This enumeration describes the different types of expression bean.
EnumExpressionEditMode |
This enumeration describes the different edit modes which can be applied to
a filter object.
EnumExpressionPromptBeanTypes |
The enumeration values for the expression types in an expression prompt bean.
EnumFilterBeanEvents |
This interface lists the IDs for the events and the IDs for the corresponding arguments
for the events supported by the FolderBean
EnumFolderBeanEvents |
This interface lists the IDs for the events and the IDs for the corresponding arguments
for the events supported by the FolderBean
EnumGenericEvents |
Events and arguments for the event handler base class.
EnumGradientShadingStyles |
Constants for gradient shading style
EnumGradientTransitionTypes |
Constants for gradient transition type
(These values are in sync with what 3D Graphics expects)
EnumGroupBeanEvents |
This interface defines all events ID and arguments for UserGroupBean .
EnumImportWizardBeanEvents |
EnumInboxBeanEvents |
Constants for inbox bean events
EnumObjectBeanEvents |
This interface lists the IDs for the events and the IDs for the corresponding arguments
for the events supported by the ObjectBean
EnumObjectPromptBeanEvents |
EnumPageInfoDirection |
Possible values for logical pages browsing direction
EnumParameterType |
EnumPromptAnswerBeanEvents |
EnumPromptAnswerFormat |
Possible values for promt answer formatting
EnumPromptAnswerOptions |
This interface specifies flags indicating what to do when answering a prompt, especially
when the answer the caller provides is empty or null.
EnumPromptBeanEvents |
EnumPromptDefinitionBeanEvents |
Events for the prompt definition bean.
EnumPromptExpressionBeanEvents |
EnumPromptsBeanEvents |
This interface defines all the IDs for prompt handling events and their
arguments supported by the MicroStrategy SDK prompts event handler.
EnumPromptsBeanTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the prompt type.
EnumPromptsSourceTypes |
This interface defines the enumeration constants used to specify
the PromptSource type.
EnumReportBeanEvents |
This interface lists the IDs for the events and the IDs for the corresponding arguments
for the events supported by the ReportBean
EnumReportPageType |
This interface defines two constants differentiating two types of
ReportPageInfo : absolute page info and relative page info.
EnumRequestStatus |
Constants describing the request status of a bean.
EnumRWBeanEvents |
EnumRWViewModes |
Possible values for document view mode
EnumScheduleBeanEvents |
EnumSearchWildcards |
This enumeration defines commonly encountered
scenarios of appending wildcards for pattern
EnumSecurityFilterBeanEvents |
EnumSecurityPluginProvidersBase |
EnumSecurityRoleEvents |
EnumSubscriptionBeanEvents |
This interface defines all the event IDs and event arguments for the
SubscriptionBean .
EnumSubscriptionFolderBeanEvents |
EnumThresholdTypes |
EnumUserBeanEvents |
This interface defines all events ID and arguments for UserBean .
EnumUserEntitiesBeanEvents |
EnumUserEntitiesSourceTypes |
EnumUserEntityBeanEvents |
EnumUserSearchBeanEvents |
EnumViewBeanEvents |
EnumWebFeatures |
This is the enumeration of all the features that are available for the web application at the SDK level.
A WebFeature is a generic term for a variety of preferences, privileges, settings, etc.
EnumWebPromptAnswerMode |
This interface represents the available values for the
PromptAnswerMode parameter in the prompt answer events.
EnumWebTransformableType |
This interface defines constants for the various types of
Transformable objects that are available
ExpressionBean |
The ExpressionBean interface represents a bean which can be used to edit an
ExpressionBeanContext |
The ExpressionBeanContext interface can be implemented by any object that can provide a context for an expression bean.
ExpressionDisplayBean |
The ExpressionDisplayBean is a subclass of ExpressionBean that can only be used to display an expression - all
undo and edit-related operations have been disabled.
ExpressionObject |
This interface facilitates the transform of a WebExpression object
through a few extra properties.
ExpressionPromptBean |
ExternalPromptsSource |
This interface represents a prompt source that exists outside of the
Intelligence Server.
FilterBean |
FolderBean |
This interface along with its super interface ObjectBean
supports the concept of object browsing.
GraphBean |
The GraphBean encapsulates the WebGraph object,
which contains the binary graph data.
HighlightedObject |
This interface represents an object that a user selects on a Web browser
and wants to highlight in the next Web page.
HighlightedObjects |
This interface is a typical collection interface of
HighlightedObject .
ImportWizardBean |
InboxBean |
The InboxBean interface allows the users to manage their
History List.
LimitExpressionBean |
LocalBeanFactory |
The LocalBeanFactory interface specifies the contract that a
package-level bean factory must implement--most importantly, the ability to
create a bean based on its type name.
MarkupOutput |
This object is used by a transform to record the results of a
MessageInfo |
This interface provides information about a localized message.
Messages |
The interface encapsulates messages information.
MetadataPromptsSource |
This interface is used to represent a source of prompts that originates
in the Intelligence Server metadata.
ObjectBean |
This interface represents a generic metadata object.
ObjectPromptBean |
Interface of the Object Prompt Bean
PerformanceMonitorBean |
The MonitorBean is a bean which is used to monitor performance counters on a cluster
of Intelligence Servers.
PromptAnswerBean |
PromptBean |
PromptDefinitionBean |
The PromptDefinitionBean is a bean which represents a prompt definition
object in metadata.
PromptObject |
This interface represents information about a single prompt.
PromptsBean |
This interface acts as a controller to orchestrate the collection and
assembly of prompt questions.
PromptsSource |
This interface is the base interface from which two sub-interfaces
are derived, the MetadaPromptsSource and ExternalPromptsSource interfaces.
ReportBean |
This interface is used to manage the collection of report data and enable it to be
ReportPageInfo |
This interface is designed specifically to support incremental fetch of
report data.
RequestKeys |
This interface stores a collection of keys from the request context.
RequestPersistable |
This interface provides extra functionalities that allow restoration of
state from a RequestKeys object.
ResultSetBean |
RWBean |
This interface is used to manage the collection of report writing document data and enable it to be
RWBeanVisitor |
RWBeanVisitor2 |
Enhanced version of bean visitor
RWViewBean |
RWViewExpressionBean |
ScheduleBean |
SecurityFilterBean |
SecurityRoleBean |
SubscriptionBean |
This bean represents a Narrowcast subscription.
SubscriptionFolderBean |
SubsetUnitLimitBean |
ThresholdExpressionBean |
The ThresholdExpressionBean represents an ExpressionBean that is editing a threshold's conditional
ThresholdExpressionBeanContext |
The ExpressionBeanContext interface can be implemented by any object that can provide a context for an expression bean.
Transformable |
This interface represents objects that support Transform
TransformInstance |
TransformKeyMapper |
UserBean |
This bean represents a single user.
UserEntitiesBean |
This interface represents a collection of users.
UserEntityBean |
UserGroupBean |
This interface represents a group user.
UserSearchBean |
This interface represents a search for user.
ViewBean |
This interface provides a unified concept
of the WebTemplate
encapsulated by corresponding
along with its associated events for both the report,
and report writing document.
WebBean |
This interface represents a generic WebBean.
WebBeanError |
This interface exposes the necessary methods to retrieve backend error code
and error message when any of the Web Beans is interacting with the backend
WebComponent |
The WebComponent interface abstracts every component of a Web application.
WebEvent |
This interface abstracts user interaction with a WebComponent in
a Web application.
WebEvent.Argument |
The Argument interface represents a WebEvent argument.
WebEventHandler |
This interface generates and handles a set of WebEvent .
WebEvents |
The WebEvents interface represents an ordered collection of
WebEvent .
WebEventTags |
WebSessionManager |
This is the interface for the MicroStrategy Web session manager.