Class SysEventHandler

    • Field Detail


        protected static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • SysEventHandler

        public SysEventHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • initEvents

        protected void initEvents()

        This method is called to initialize the list of events available with this event-handler. Since this class uses lazy initialization for its event list; this method will be always called by the getWebEvent(int) and the getWebEvents() methods to ensure it's available. If the list has been initialized, it does nothing, if not it calls initEvents(int type) passing this handler's type

        Those event-handler that support more than one handler-type can extend this method and call initEvents(int type) with all the types they support.
      • initEvents

        protected void initEvents​(int type)
        It populates this event-handler with the list of events available for the given handler-type in the event-handlers catalog.
      • getCatalog

        protected EventHandlersCatalog getCatalog()
        Returns the event-handlers catalog. If the WebComponent has been associated, it obtains the catalog from the BeanContext, otherwise it obtains the catalog directly from the ConfigurationFilesCache
      • newWebEvent

        protected WebEvent newWebEvent​(EventInfo info)
        This method is called to create a new WebEvent and populated with the given EventInfo.
      • newDefaultEventInstance

        protected WebEvent newDefaultEventInstance()
        This method is called to create a concrete new instance of a WebEvent when the event-class has not specified in the EventInfo.