Interface EnumPromptAnswerOptions

  • public interface EnumPromptAnswerOptions
    This interface specifies flags indicating what to do when answering a prompt, especially when the answer the caller provides is empty or null. Still validation on the prompt answer is performed and exception is thrown if validation fails.

    All the flags are bitwise values and could be combined for your freedom of use.

    MicroStrategy Web 7.3.1 or earlier
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int ClearAnswerIfEmpty
      Indicates to clear the existing prompt answer when the Answer argument passed in from Web browser is an empty string.
      static int ClearAnswerIfNull
      Indicates to clear the existing prompt answer when the Answer argument passed in from Web browser is null.
    • Field Detail

      • ClearAnswerIfNull

        static final int ClearAnswerIfNull
        Indicates to clear the existing prompt answer when the Answer argument passed in from Web browser is null. The default behavior is to keep the prompt answer as is if this bit is not set.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ClearAnswerIfEmpty

        static final int ClearAnswerIfEmpty
        Indicates to clear the existing prompt answer when the Answer argument passed in from Web browser is an empty string. The default behavior is to keep the prompt answer as is if this bit is not set.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values