Interface PerformanceMonitorBean

    • Method Detail

      • addCounter

        void addCounter​(java.lang.String serverName,
                        java.lang.String category,
                        java.lang.String instance,
                        java.lang.String counter)
                 throws WebBeanException,
        This method tells the API to begin monitoring the given counter. This must be called for each counter for which data will be retrieved. The method adds the counter to the existing WebMonitor object on the bean.
        serverName - The name of the Intelligence Server that the counter resides upon.
        category - The name of the category.
        instance - The name of the instance.
        counter - The name of the counter.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if the given counter does not exist on the given
        WebBeanException - Thrown if error countered while loading the WebMonitor object. Intelligence Server.
      • addCounter

        void addCounter​(java.lang.String category,
                        java.lang.String instance,
                        java.lang.String counter)
                 throws WebBeanException,
        This method tells the API to begin monitoring the given counter. The counter will be monitored on the counter which the session is associated with on the bean. This must be called for each counter for which data will be retrieved. The method adds the counter to the existing WebMonitor object on the bean.
        category - The name of the category.
        instance - The name of the instance.
        counter - The name of the counter.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if the given counter does not exist on the given
        WebBeanException - Thrown if error countered while loading the WebMonitor object. Intelligence Server.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.2
      • removeCounter

        void removeCounter​(java.lang.String serverName,
                           java.lang.String category,
                           java.lang.String instance,
                           java.lang.String counter)
                    throws WebBeanException,
        This method tells the API to quit monitoring the given counter, if it is being monitored. The method removes the counter from the existing WebMonitor object on the bean.
        serverName - The name of the Intelligence Server that the counter resides upon.
        category - The name of the category.
        instance - The name of the instance.
        counter - The name of the counter.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if the given counter does not exist or is not being logged on the given
        WebBeanException - Thrown if error countered while loading the WebMonitor object. Intelligence Server.
      • removeCounter

        void removeCounter​(java.lang.String category,
                           java.lang.String instance,
                           java.lang.String counter)
                    throws WebBeanException,
        This method tells the API to quit monitoring the given counter, if it is being monitored. The method removes the counter from the existing WebMonitor object on the bean. This method will quit monitoring a monitor type which has no server associated with it, which means to only monitor the server that the session is created on.
        category - The name of the category.
        instance - The name of the instance.
        counter - The name of the counter.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if the given counter does not exist or is not being logged on the given
        WebBeanException - Thrown if error countered while loading the WebMonitor object. Intelligence Server.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.2
      • getMonitoredCategories

        Categories getMonitoredCategories​(java.lang.String serverName)
                                   throws WebBeanException
        Returns a Categories collection of the monitored categories for the given server. This collection will only contain those counters which are currently being monitored by this bean.
        serverName - The name of the Intelligence Server to obtain counters for.
        A Categories collection containing only those counters being monitored.
        WebBeanException - thrown if there is a problem retrieving information from the specified server
      • getAvailableCategories

        Categories getAvailableCategories​(java.lang.String serverName)
        Returns a Categories collection of the categories which are available on the given server.
        serverName - The name of the Intelligence Server to obtain counters for.
        A Categories collection containing all available counters for the server.
      • isMonitored

        boolean isMonitored​(java.lang.String serverName,
                            java.lang.String category,
                            java.lang.String instance,
                            java.lang.String counter)
                     throws WebBeanException
        Returns whether the given counter is monitored.
        serverName - The name of the server that the monitor belongs to.
        category - The name of the category.
        instance - The name of the instance.
        counter - The name of the counter.
        Whether the given monitor is currently enabled.
        WebBeanException - thrown if there is a problem retrieving information from the specified server
      • setMonitorID

        void setMonitorID​(java.lang.String monitorID)
                   throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Sets the monitor ID corresponding to the WebPerformanceMonitor to use to monitor using this bean.
        monitorID - The ID of the performance monitor.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the monitor ID passed is incorrect.
      • setMonitor

        void setMonitor​(WebPerformanceMonitor monitor)
        Sets the WebPerformanceMonitor to use to monitor using this bean.
        monitor - The performance monitor that the bean should use to monitor.
      • getMonitorID

        java.lang.String getMonitorID()
        Returns the DSSID of the WebPerformanceMonitor that this bean is monitoring.
        DSSID of the performance monitor being monitored by the bean.