Interface PromptObject

    • Method Detail

      • getPromptPosition

        int getPromptPosition()
        Returns the position of this PromptObject in the collection of prompt objects in a PromptsBean.
        the position of this object in a PromptsBean.
      • getWebPrompt

        WebPrompt getWebPrompt()
        Returns the embedded WebPrompt object.
        the WebPrompt object associated with this object.
      • getPromptsSource

        PromptsSource getPromptsSource()
        Returns the PromptsSource object from which this prompt object is originated.
        a PromptsSource object.
      • getDisplayHelper

        WebDisplayHelper getDisplayHelper()
                                   throws WebObjectsException
        Returns the cached WebDisplayHelper object from the current PromptObject. If the cached one is null, then return a new one from the underlying WebPrompt.

        The cached WebDisplayHelper is typically set by the prompt event handler.

        the WebDisplayHelper object
        WebObjectsException - thrown if the WebDisplayHelper is unable to retrieved.
      • getPromptsBean

        PromptsBean getPromptsBean()
        Returns the PromptsBean which contains this prompt object.
        the PromptsBean.
      • getValidationInfo

        WebBeanError getValidationInfo()
        Returns the prompt answer validation error information for this particular prompt only.
        the prompt answer validation error. null if there is no error.
      • setValidationInfo

        void setValidationInfo​(WebBeanError wbe)
        Sets a prompt answer validation error on this prompt object. Prompt event handler calls this method to pass validation error info to th caller.
        wbe - the prompt answer validation error.
      • getHighlightedObjects

        HighlightedObjects getHighlightedObjects()
        Returns a collection of highlighted objects. PromptsBean queries this collection and then tries to highlight each element in the collection in its collectData method.
        a collection of HighlightedObject.
      • getUserSearchPattern

        java.lang.String getUserSearchPattern()
        Returns the user search pattern on a PromptObject. A search pattern is what a user types in a search box on a Web browser to perform a search. Except WebConstantPrompt, other types of WebPrompt all provide the search ability to search for a WebObjectInfo or WebElement.
        the most recent user search pattern
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.0
      • setUserSearchPattern

        void setUserSearchPattern​(java.lang.String pattern)
        Sets the user search pattern on a PromptObject. A search pattern is what a user types in a search box on a Web browser to perform a search. Except WebConstantPrompt, other types of WebPrompt all provide the search ability to search for a WebObjectInfo or WebElement.
        pattern - the new user search pattern a user types in
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.0
      • getOriginalSearchRoot

        java.lang.String getOriginalSearchRoot()
        Returns original search root or empty string.
        original search root or empty string.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.1
      • hasAnswerChanged

        boolean hasAnswerChanged()
        Returns true if the prompt answer has been changed since it is loaded from the Intelligence Server. Answering a prompt should reset this flag to false.

        PromptsEventHandler uses this method to decide whether to open a closed prompt.

        true if the prompt answer has been changed since it is loaded from the Intelligence Server.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.4
      • setAnswerChanged

        void setAnswerChanged​(boolean changed)
        Sets a boolean value indicating that the prompt answer has been changed for the underlying prompt. After answering a prompt, users should reset this flag to false.

        PromptsEventHandler uses this method to decide whether to open a closed prompt.

        changed - true if the prompt answer has been changed for the underlying prompt.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.4