Interface ElementPromptBean

    • Method Detail

      • getAnswer

        WebElements getAnswer()
        Returns the answer for the element prompt
        WebElements collection
      • clearAnswer

        void clearAnswer()
        Clears the answer for the prompt.
      • addElement

        void addElement​(java.lang.String elementID,
                        java.lang.String displayName)
        Add an element to the answer.
        elementID - - the id of the element
        displayName - - the display name of the element
      • removeElement

        void removeElement​(int key)
        Remove an element based on a key.
        key - - key of the element to remove.
      • canSupportSearch

        boolean canSupportSearch()
        Returns true if the prompt supports search functionality.
        true if the prompt supports search functionality.
      • canSupportIncrementalFetch

        boolean canSupportIncrementalFetch()
        Returns true if the prompt supports incremental fetch.
        true if the prompt can support incremental fetch.
      • isPromptEmpty

        boolean isPromptEmpty()
        Returns true if the prompt has no selections to display.
        true if the prompt has no selections to display.