MicroStrategy ONE

Specifying how hierarchy prompts are answered in the target


This topic assumes you are familiar with the parts of a link, such as the target and source. For background information, see Components of a link.

The prompt answer methods listed below are available for hierarchy prompts only. For information about prompt answer methods used for other prompt types, see Specifying how prompts are answered in the target.

The source report used in these examples contains Category, Region, and Revenue. The source report links Region to the target report, which contains the Geography hierarchy and Revenue, with a hierarchy prompt in the report filter.

  • Current unit. Similar to the Dynamic prompt answer method, where the prompt is answered using the object selected in the source. If the user selects an attribute header rather than a specific attribute element, the Empty answer method is used. That is, the prompt is not answered, unless it is required, in which case the user is prompted.

    For example, if the link uses this prompt answer method, when the user clicks Central in the target report, the target displays all the revenue for the Central region. The report is filtered on Region only.

  • All valid units. Any object to the left of or above the user selection in the source is used as the prompt answer for the target. In other words, this method passes all the selections made on the source, rather than just the selection made for the link. If the user does not select any valid objects (for example, the user selects an attribute header rather than a specific attribute element), the Empty answer method is used. That is, the prompt is not answered, unless it is required, in which case the user is prompted.

    • For example, if a user selects Central in the target report, a year is also selected. When the user clicks Central in the source, if the link uses this prompt answer method, the target report displays the revenue from the Central region, but only for the year that was selected in the target. The report is filtered on Region and Year.

    • For example, if a user selects Central in the target report, a category is also selected. When the user clicks Central in the source, if the link uses this prompt answer method, the target report displays the revenue from the Central region, but only for the category that was selected in the target. The report is filtered on Region and Category.

For more detailed descriptions of these two methods, using report samples, see the Linking Reports and Documents chapter in the Advanced Reporting Help.

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