MicroStrategy ONE

Simple vs. compound metrics

A metric is categorized as simple or compound based on the function used in its formula. A metric formula determines the data to be used and the calculations to be performed on the data.

  • Simple metric: The formula of a simple metric is a mathematical expression based on at least one group function (such as sum or average) applied to facts, attributes, or other metrics. It can also contain non-group functions or arithmetic operators. An example of the formula of a simple metric is:

    • Avg(Sum((Cost + Profit)))

    • where Cost and Profit are facts. The formula contains two group functions, Avg (which stands for average) and Sum.

    The term simple only refers to a metric's structure; it does not restrict you to simple calculations.

  • Compound metric: The formula of a compound metric is based on arithmetic operators and non-group functions. Arithmetic operators are +, -, *, and /; non-group functions are OLAP and scalar functions such as running sum or rank. The operators and functions can be applied to facts, attributes, or metrics.

    • An example of the formula of a compound metric is:

    • Sum(Cost) +

    • where Cost and Profit are facts. The addition expression, denoted by the + operator, makes this a compound metric.

Besides a formula, a simple metric can contain levels, a condition, and transformations. For more information on these components, see the following topics:

A compound metric cannot have any of these components, although the components can be applied separately on the expressions that make up the compound metric. This explains why metrics are divided into the different types, so you know whether you can adjust the components of a metric. For more information on distinguishing simple and compound metrics, see the Advanced Metrics chapter in the Advanced Reporting Help.

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