MicroStrategy ONE
Prompt Generation Wizard: Welcome page
This page is your starting point for creating prompts. It lists the different types of prompts you can create, which are described below. After you select a prompt type and click Next, the page that is displayed depends on the prompt type.
Filter definition prompts are used to qualify on attribute elements and metrics. They are used in filters. The different types of filter definition prompts are listed below.
Choose from All Attributes in a Hierarchy page. These prompts enable the user to filter a report on any attribute or attribute element that belongs to the specified hierarchy.
Qualify on an Attribute page. These prompts enable the user to filter a report on the attribute forms or the attribute elements of the specified attribute.
Choose from an Attribute Element List page. These prompts enable the user to filter a report on a list of attribute elements of the specified attribute.
Qualify on a Metric page. These prompts enable the user to filter a report on a specific metric.
Object Prompt page. Object prompts allow the user to select which objects (such as attributes or metrics) to include in a report. They are used on the report grid or in a filter.
Value Prompt page. Value prompts allow the user to select a single value such as a date. This value is compared to metric or attribute element values to determine the data viewed by the user. Value prompts are used in attribute qualifications and metric qualifications.
Level Prompt page. Level prompts specify the level of calculation for a metric.
When you select a prompt type from the list, the description area at the bottom of the page explains the function of the selected prompt type.
For more information, see Types of prompts.
If you access the Prompt Generation Wizard from the Filter Editor, the Welcome page is not displayed. The wizard instead opens at the appropriate page for the prompt type.