MicroStrategy ONE

Plug-in package functions

The plug-in package functions consist of the more advanced functions available in MicroStrategy, including data mining, financial, mathematical, and statistical functions. For information on the different plug-in package functions available in MicroStrategy, review the following information:

  • Financial functions

  • Mathematical functions

  • Statistical functions

  • Data mining functions

    Data mining generally refers to examining a large amount of data to extract valuable information. The data mining process uses predictive models based on existing and historical data to project potential outcome for business activities and transactions. MicroStrategy Data Mining Services facilitates the development and deployment of these predictive models. Data mining is covered in Using Data Mining Services, which introduces the following MicroStrategy Data Mining Services features:

    • Using MicroStrategy and the Training Metric Wizard to create multi-variable regression predictive models

    • Support for importing third-party predictive models using the PMML industry standard

    • A Predictive Model Viewer that visualizes the predictive model

  • The data mining functions that are available within MicroStrategy are employed when using standard MicroStrategy Data Mining Services interfaces and techniques, which includes the Training Metric Wizard and importing third-party predictive models. To ensure proper functionality, it is recommended to use these MicroStrategy data mining functions within the Data Mining Services interfaces and techniques, rather than manually defining the values and parameters for these functions.

These plug-in package functions, which are provided with MicroStrategy, may be confused with function plug-ins. Function plug-ins allow users to define their own collection of functions, and then let the MicroStrategy Engine use them for further analysis. These function plug-ins behave as if they are an integrated part of the MicroStrategy product and are indistinguishable from all other MicroStrategy functions or operators, such as Sum, Average, Min, Max, Count, -, +, /, or *. You must use the Function Plug-in Wizard to integrate a function plug-in into MicroStrategy. For information on this process to integrate function plug-ins into MicroStrategy, see About custom functions.